CHAPTER XXXXIV: "Those who do not move, do not notice their chains"

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Landon was never a morning person. Whenever he had a chance, and he didn't have many, ever since he, and Rafael joined together in their journeys, he would just stay in his bed, and let it solve all his problems.. He was much more of a night owl, especially, because in those hours, most things happened. And, so, as a person fascinated by the supernatural world, that he used to be an active part of, he just didn't want to miss anything.. However, things changed, when Landon arrived on the Other Side. Things were just different there, much more unusual, and uncomfortable to one's likings, including Landon's.. On the Other Side, in order to truly survive, one had to be cautious, and constantly on the lookout for people, who made their purpose harassing others. And, because Landon was in no use of his powers anymore, he had a hard time getting used to the new reality.. However, when he managed to do so, he became what he hated the most. And, that was, becoming a morning person.. And, because he knew how much others also hated morning people, as he once used to do, he decided to make it his own mission to annoy others, as much, as he could. Not only, because he was bored being alone in the morning, but also because he wanted to cheer up others.. After all, it wasn't common for people to smile on the Other Side. Especially, when it was pretty much the end of their journey, and they had only few ways out..:

- Wake up, sleepy head.. ! – Landon started shaking Lizzie, who was still sleeping.

- Oh my God.. Landon, what are you.. What time is it ?! – Lizzie said with tiredness in her voice, turning around to not face Landon anymore.

- Time for you to wake up ! The meeting's in like.. 10 minutes – Landon responded with calmness in his voice, waiting for Lizzie's reaction.

- The.. What ?! 10 minutes.. ?! And, you didn't wake me up earlier ?! – Lizzie quickly got up from the bed, and started looking outside the window, noticing the sun, slowly raising up.

- Hahaha.. You should've seen your face ! – Landon started laughing, at the sight of Lizzie with her messy hair.

- You little.. Do you know how good of a dream I just had ?! – Lizzie looked at Landon in disbelief.

- Well, I mean.. If I got to see you like that, I'd say it was worth it – Landon smiled, seeing the angry expression on Lizzie's face.

- That's it, hobbit. I'm officially ending your life.. ! – Lizzie replied, rushed out, and threw herself at Landon, in order to tickle him.

- Lizzie, stop ! I.. I can't.. Just.. Stop ! – Landon kept saying, while laughing.

- What was that ? I didn't quite hear you.. – Lizzie responded with a smile, and kept on tickling him.

- Please, I.. I'm sorry ! – Landon screamed, with tears in his eyes.

- Ha ! Now you know what awaits you, next time you'll think of something equally genius, as this.. – Lizzie replied, proud of herself, and got up, in order to yawn.

- My ribs.. Gosh, that hurt.. Now I know, why Josie was the one, who'd wake you up – Landon commented, and got up from the floor.

- Well, let's just say, that she has my mercy. And, for real.. What time is it.. ? Is everyone else still sleeping ? – Lizzie took the hairbrush in her hands, and started brushing her hair.

- A little past 5 a.m., I think.. And, well.. I saw few werewolves walking around the territory, and borders, but overall, I think everyone else is indeed still sleeping – Landon responded, sitting down at the chair in the room.

- Great.. So, what are we going to do now ? I mean, we still have few hours, 'till everyone else wakes up, and the whole 'revolutionary' mood becomes a thing again.. Any suggestions, since you, waking me up, was your genius plan ? I mean, surely you haven't woken me up for nothing.. Right ? – Lizzie started staring at Landon with deep gaze, which made him stressed.

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