CHAPTER IX: "The harder you work, the better you get"

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The very second Caroline felt this weird feeling of what felt like a needle, pricking her heart, she immediately guessed, that something was wrong. And, not only that, while she was listening to Frederick's story, she had also this odd feeling, that something bad was just about to happen, but she wasn't exactly able to tell what that was, and that was only making her more worried, than shocked.. Because, in rare situations as this one, while feeling such thing, Caroline was usually able to predict, that something bad was indeed happening, and the fact, that she was here, listening to Frederick, and not in the place of the soon-happen-incident was scaring her. It wasn't like she didn't care, because she did, and wanted to hear about Frederick's childhood, adulthood, his adventures, how he became the creature he was, and how he died, but there was just something about that particular, and certain feeling, that was making her really worried, and stressed, as well as sending a chill shiver down her spine.. And, she knew well, that nothing good was going to come to the daylight soon. So, Caroline just hoped, that these bad news, wouldn't be connected to Klaus, but unfortunately there was this really quiet, but hearable voice, that was telling her, that she should check up on him.. And, so she decided to do just that, in order to prove that odd feeling how wrong it was. Or rather to check, if that feeling was true, but Caroline didn't want to admit that to herself.. Maybe her actions would seem foolish to people around her, but she still didn't, and knew well, she wouldn't accept Klaus's fate, and let him go on his own. If she did, she'd betray her own self, and she wasn't planning on that.. Besides, she owed this favor to him, as he saved her life. Now, it was the time to repay it, and do the exact same, but in some other, non-heroic style..:

- Caroline.. ? – Frederick's voice suddenly brought Caroline back from her thoughts.

- Uh.. Sorry. I zoned out.. What were you saying ? – Caroline asked, not really sure about which point in his life Frederick was talking about.

- Are you sure you're okay.. ? If it's not a good moment, I'll understand, and come back later – Frederick smiled slightly to Caroline to let her know he could wait.

- No, no.. It's just.. I have this odd feeling, that's telling me something is wrong, and I can't really tell what, and it's just.. Frustrating me. And, also worrying.. Just, let continue, I'm okay. You were saying something about your siblings, weren't you.. ? – Caroline suddenly remembered what Frederick was talking back, and tried to get back right on the track.

- Alright, if you're sure about that.. Just know, that you shouldn't underestimate such feelings. Speaking from my own experience, they're usually right.. – Frederick replied, which made Caroline more worried than before.

Maybe there was literally nothing to worry about, but Frederick's words, and the fact, that this feeling inside of Caroline's heart was constantly increasing with each second, was convincing her how wrong she was. And, somewhere deep down, Caroline knew well, that she should follow her feeling, and try to find out, what was wrong, but there was this certain part of her, that didn't want to give into such paranoia.. Because, what if all she felt was just the loneliness, and separation, connected to Klaus being gone, and her heart was aching just because he wasn't around ? If that was the case, she shouldn't tell herself things she wasn't sure about.. But, her thoughts just couldn't seem to move on from that topic, telling her to move, to do something. Yet, Caroline decided to not listen to them, and focus on what was in front of her eyes, and what was happening now.. The mission to save Frederick's freedom, and help him travel to Peace:

- So, as I was saying.. I had two brothers. Our relations were pretty basic, like with every siblings.. Sometimes, we hated each other, and wanted to just make the other ones disappear, and sometimes we were like a normal, ideal family, in which the brothers supported each other, and could count on one another. But, sometimes there were these situations, in which we couldn't control ourselves.. And, you should know, that when the werewolf loses its temper, it is destined to go badly. When I was young, I was pretty reckless, and did things, that were beneficial only to me.. Sometimes forgetting I even had a family, and I should care about them. It was also the time, when I didn't yet know about the werewolf curse.. And, this one time, when I was talking to my loved one, she.. Basically, our whole "love story" turned out to be a lie. A bet, that her friends made with her to go out with me.. And, I got sad. And, with sadness, came the anger.. I hurt her. I hurt the person I loved, because I couldn't control myself.. Realizing what I've done, I didn't want to see my family. I didn't want to look in their eyes to see the disappointment I was to them.. And, so I left, and travelled many kilometers, until I reached a lovely village called Townsmit, inhabited by werewolves, people like me. They become my second family, but I've never forgotten about my sin.. That's why, each day I was trying to become better, stronger, smarter. That's what led me to become alpha.. Because, I wanted to protect those young, and lost werewolves, who didn't deserve to suffer, what I did, from all the evil, that could come back to them. But, as I mentioned before, I died in one of the fights between clans.. My people made it, but I didn't. Sad, but I'm glad they survived.. It delights me to know, that I managed to somehow protect them a little – Frederick explained his story, which after a few seconds made Caroline realize, what was holding him back.

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