CHAPTER XXVI: "Speech is the mirror of the mind"

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Was Klaus even thinking, or taking into consideration, that his impulsive actions could take a twisted turn, that he perhaps wouldn't be able to come back from.. ? Not really, as consequences of his actions, decisions, and words, weren't as loud, as the thoughts about Caroline, and the question of her safety. He couldn't just sit down, and wait for the people inside the hut to wake up, and nicely tell him what they know, because he probably wouldn't be able to control himself, and the emotions, that were increasing with each minute, that was passing, without Caroline by his side.. Besides, some part of Klaus was telling him, that even if he used some harsh methods to try to get the information from the people, that previously attacked both Tania, and Riley, he wouldn't get them, and in the end, just basically waste time. After all, these were people, that have been in contact with Zied, perhaps even still belonged to his little group of friends.. Because, it didn't really matter, who was their leader. What mattered was, that they spent enough of their time around Zied to know, that snitching, especially to the enemies, was never a good choice.. And, that's exactly how Klaus found himself on his way to hunt down Riley. The only person, off of whom he could, and would get his answers.. Klaus still wasn't quite sure, if Riley did betray all of them for her own, mysterious benefits, as she previously stated, that she did have some grudges against Zied, and wanted to end him, but even such doubt wasn't something, that could stop him. And so, when Klaus managed to finally catch a particular scent, that he could tell, belonged to Riley, he couldn't be more delighted.. But, before confronting her, he decided to listen for any suspicious sounds, that could be a sign, that this whole situation, and him following her, was actually intended by Zied, and was created just to trap him. And, well.. He wasn't that wrong to make such call..:

- And ? Did you get her.. ? – some male voice asked, with some harshness in it.

- I, uh.. I'm not sure – Riley's voice answered.

- What do you mean 'you're not sure'.. ? You have her, or not ? It's a simple question – the male voice replied, getting angrier, than before.

- It's complicated, okay.. ? My people were ordered to get her, and come back, but.. There's literally no sign of them. They're not responding, there are still no reports.. I just don't know what happened. All I know, is that I'm in big trouble.. They know, Austin. They have to know.. – Riley responded, sounding a bit scared, and worried.

- You had one simple job, that you offered to do, and you still managed to fail ? You truly have a talent, Ry.. But, it isn't any of my business. Whatever you got yourself into, I'm sure you deserved it.. And, will deserve, what hasn't happened yet – Austin said, and laughed at the end of his sentence.

- Come on, Austin.. You can't leave me hanging ! You said it yourself.. That, it would be a decent price for what I want. You gave me the resources to start the action.. Now, help me finish it, and I'll split the reward. There's still time.. Zied still doesn't know, what he wants, or what he will do. He's not in the best state right now.. And, if we want to win, all we need, is a good leader. And, we'll get one, if we get him Caroline.. A good leverage, that will guarantee our victory, Austin. Me, and you, just like the old times.. – Riley answered, in a begging voice.

- There you are, finally.. You can't just leave me like that ! We're a team, aren't we.. ? – suddenly a female voice came from behind Klaus.

- Tania, how.. How did you find me ? – Klaus asked, confused.

- What ? Because it's hard to track down someone desperate.. ? I mean, I gave you the idea of Riley potentially betraying us, and you've just found out about Caroline's abduction, so I just added two to two, and.. Here I am. And, uh.. In advance, you don't have to worry about those guys back in the hut.. I, uh.. Took care of them – Tania smiled, mischievously.

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