CHAPTER XXIX: "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations"

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Were Klaus's actions thought of ? Not really.. Were they justified ? More, than they could ever be.. Because, when your problems touch only your matter, it's fine. It is tough, but it isn't something, which you wouldn't be able to overcome.. However, in the moment, when your problem touches the subject of someone else's matter, whom you care about, you can't stand still. You'll do everything, which you can to prevent that person from getting hurt.. From getting involved in your problems. And, that was the case this time.. Klaus never wanted Caroline to come here. Or, rather he did, but under different circumstances – definitely not during a war.. But, here they both were. At the edge of everything, which they stood for, and their lives.. There was no going back. It was now, or never.. However, a single thought, that Caroline would get hurt, directly because of Klaus, and the issues of the Other Side, that Caroline wasn't yet used to, were killing him from the inside. So much time has passed, since they last saw each other.. So much time of missing each other's presence, though neither of them wanted to admit that out loud. And, when it seemed, like they would finally get their chance to be in each other's lives again, the life itself played a cruel joke on them.. And, so this was why Klaus was doing all of it. This is exactly what he was fighting for.. For the moments, that were brutally taken away from them. For the time, that they've lost.. For seconds of joy in their miserable lives. And, so though Klaus's actions might've seemed irrational, he didn't care.. All he cared about, was to regain the time:

- I think you're well aware, but let me remind you, that all of this will end, once one of you, will do me the honor, and care to spill something. Hm.. ? Anyone ? – Klaus started looking around at the faces of the men in front of him.

- You think we're scared of you.. ? Zied took us under his wing. Do you really believe he'd choose weak people to be around him.. ? – one of the man laughed out loud.

- Zied took you under his wing, did he.. That's quite laughable. Last time I checked, your loyalty was for sale.. – Klaus answered, not letting his emotions get the worst of him.

- What are you trying to say.. ? Our loyalty has always been with Zied – another man eyed Klaus, with confusion in his eyes.

- Has it truly been that long for you to not remember already.. ? My, my.. Poor souls. Have been in this place for so long, that the signs of it are showing.. – Klaus pretended to have a sad expression on his face.

- We, uh.. Still don't understand, what you're talking about. As any of us would tell you individually, we support Zied.. The loyalty is due to his.. Protection, and care – the first man replied, but there was some sort of uncertainty in his voice.

- Tell me.. What does Zied do to traitors ? – Klaus suddenly asked, which slightly shocked the men.

- How about you come back with us, and he'll tell you that yourself. Because, the last time I checked, you were supposed to be on his side.. And, as it seems you aren't – the man kept his bitter tone of voice.

- Then, I'm afraid, that I have to inform you, that you've checked wrong. Never was on Zied's side, and never will be.. I am not going to allow anyone to make me a pet for themselves. Unlike you, friends.. You're choosing to act like loyal soldiers. But, underneath that loyal mask, there's.. A scent of betrayal. My favorite one.. – Klaus responded, walking from one wall to the other, as some sort of a predator.

- If you say so. But, what does Zied think about that.. ? And, another thing.. Betrayal.. ? You mind translating ? I think all of us are a bit lost in your pile of accusations.. – the same man continued to look at Klaus with pride in his eyes.

- Oh, I'm not accusing you of anything.. I'm just stating the obvious. Following Riley's orders is not exactly following Zied's.. Am I wrong ? – Klaus eyed all of the men.

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