CHAPTER XXXVIII: "Strength is a matter of a made up mind"

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Tania was still replaying all the things, that happened in such a short period of time, in her mind. She was still finding it incredibly difficult to have seen Frederick like that – so cold, so dangerous, so deadly.. Tania was aware of Frederick's troubled past. I mean, everyone in this place owned one.. But, as all people in the Other Side, Tania was sure, that Frederick had already moved past it. Past his old self, full of anger, and hatred towards himself.. Full of disgust, regarding what he's done. But, as it seemed now, life has only given his more reasons to hate himself.. If Tania would enter the room later, would Frederick really hurt Eve ? Would he really end her life, just like that.. ? Would he really condemn himself for a life in a place, as this one ? Would he really take someone else's chance to travel to Peace, just because.. ? And, Tania couldn't pretend, like she wasn't angry with Frederick. She was truly mad at him, but even more at Zied.. Back, when all things seemed great to her, and she was by Zied's side, she could hear him wonder about many things at once. But, mostly about people, in whom Zied was slowly starting to lose his faith, and trust.. And, one of those people, used to be Frederick:

- If Frederick won't get this doubt out of his head, I'll have to do something.. I can't lose such an important ally – Zied used to say, while drinking at his pub.

- Well, what are you going to do.. ? – Tania used to ask herself.

- As all fragile things, this one, will have to eventually break. And, if that happens, I might have an idea on how to cause that.. – Zied used to answer Tania, with a cold tone of voice.

Back, when things used to be calm, and quite peaceful, Tania used to listen to Zied's worries, crazy ideas, and even madder plans. Wondering on just when Zied was going to turn his back on her.. But, whom was she kidding, he must've had also a plan for her, in case she would get the doubts in her mind. In case, for when she would decide to leave him.. But, that wasn't the most important things now, that she had to think about. All, that now mattered was Frederick, and what she was going to do with him now.. Because, when Tania entered the basement just in the right moment, and Eve managed to stun Frederick, both of them mutually agreed, that it would be best to not leave Frederick down there alone. So, when Tania made sure, that everyone was much more occupied with what was going on outside, she, and Eve carried Frederick out, although it wasn't the easiest job to do..:

- Oh gosh, how much does he weight.. ? – Eve complained about the pain in her muscles, although she was a strong werewolf.

- That's what I was going to ask you about, and since he's a werewolf.. Just how much do you guys eat ? – Tania said, and was catching the air into her lungs.

- Please don't give me that look, like I have the answer.. He's a male werewolf, and, well.. Who really knows how much these guys eat, huh – Eve chuckled a little, which made Tania laugh a little, as well.

- Okay, that's fair enough. But.. Where should we carry him to.. ? Zied has his allies everywhere, and if he finds Frederick, then.. He's not going to let him slip through – Tania was worried, with what could happen.

- Of that, you shouldn't worry. I've got the perfect place.. Follow me – Eve responded, and then both of them picked Frederick up from the ground.

Although Eve tried her best to offer as much help, as she possibly could, and be nice, she still wasn't sure, if it was the best idea to host someone so dangerous, and unpredictable in a place, that she called her home. However, she was still, positively sure, that it was a much better thing to offer someone help, rather than leave them alone to a brutal, and unsatisfying demise.. Even, if that someone just tried to end your life. However, Eve did not want to hold this grudge against Frederick, whom, overall, seemed to be a good person.. A good one, but seriously lost. And, besides, even though Eve did not exactly know Frederick that well, she decided to trust both her gut, that was telling her, that Frederick was worthy of her help, and the words of Tania, which kept convincing her, that Frederick was a good person, but with a haunting past.. Only then, it would be revealed, if she made a good decision, and Frederick's life was worth of saving.

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