CHAPTER XVII: "Success without effort is just illusion"

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Cold slipping in through one of the leaky windows in a place, that did not qualify as a home, kept stroking the blonde on her face. With each moment she tried to distance herself from it, she was met with failure, and was welcomed with another queue of the cold caressing her cheeks.. At first, it seemed as she was back at her home and her sister simply forgot to close the window. Except, when Lizzie finally opened her eyes, she noticed just how wrong she was.. There were no beds, no colored windows, no furniture, and no Josie. Instead, there were walls with cracked plasters, holes, the floor was made out of some wood, that didn't seem stable at all, some windows, which clearly didn't fulfill their job to keep the cold out, and above Lizzie, there was only one, small chandelier, that unfortunately didn't have all the bulbs lighting, which was just making the room look creepier.. On top of that, when Lizzie tried to move, she noticed, she couldn't, because both her hands, and legs were tied to some object, or rather someone. And, Lizzie didn't have to wait long to find out who that was, as in the same seconds, as she hit that someone with her arm, she heard no one else, than Landon himself, awing from pain, that Lizzie caused.. They were kidnapped. The question now was, why, and how they could get out..:

- You alright there, hobbit.. ? – Lizzie asked, not that she cared much.

- Ouch.. You just hit me ! How do you expect me to feel.. ? – Landon answered, quite annoyed.

- It doesn't matter now. Look at what you've brought upon us.. Someone kidnapped us ! Is that what you meant by saying you could help me.. ? If it's really how your service works, then I truly must thank you for the great thing you've achieved ! – Lizzie said sarcastically, trying to release her hands.

- What I've done.. ? You must be kidding me, Lizzie. It was you, who started talking to that blue dude, who literally came out of nowhere.. And, he seemed quite interested in getting to know you, not me ! – Landon replied, angry with Lizzie's words.

- We have to get out of here somehow, and you are wasting our precious time to prove, that it was my fault. Great thinking, hobbit.. – Lizzie responded, and started looking around for anything, that could help her.

- You are truly unbelievable, Lizzie Saltzman . You know that, right.. ? Besides, can't you use your magic ? I don't see on why it wouldn't work in this place.. – Landon looked outside the window just to notice a street lamp somewhere in the distance.

- Finally something useful comes out of your mouth.. – Lizzie answered shortly, and tried to use magic to free herself.

- Did you manage to free yourself.. ? – Landon asked, not able to look at what Lizzie was using.

- Something's wrong. It doesn't.. It doesn't work, but.. But, why.. ? – Lizzie said mostly to herself, but loudly enough for anyone else to hear.

- Because, I blocked it. Same, as your way out of here.. Let's just say, that you won't be living this place, until you fulfill your role in my play – Zied spoke out loud, which made both Lizzie, and Landon look at him with both slight fear, and anger.

Lizzie could feel, that something was wrong with the man in front of them. That, there was something about him, something dangerous, that they had to look out for.. But, it wasn't only his presence, and posture, that was scary. It was also the fact, that Lizzie was powerless.. She was defenseless, and she couldn't do anything to protect herself. And, Lizzie hated feeling that way.. Like she couldn't do anything, even if she really wanted to. Lizzie was now stuck here.. Whether she liked it, or not. And, something told her, that no matter if she liked the role she'd get from that blue man, she would have to play it.. For better, or perhaps for the worse:

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