CHAPTER XXXIV: "Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems"

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It was all about the right moment. All about that perfect second, in which you could do yours, and avoid any more trouble.. Klaus knew well, what he had to do, in order to prevent Austin from playing with him anymore, like he was some kind of a toy, or a prey. However, though it sounded like an easy thing to do, it truly wasn't.. Austin wasn't some kind of an ordinary vampire. Sure, he wasn't an Original, but he had experience, that many, who fought with Klaus, were lacking.. And, though Klaus loved this kind of a challenge, in this particular moment, he didn't feel up to it. And, it wasn't, because he wouldn't be able to defeat Austin, because he could, but because of the fact, that he was rather quite worried about Caroline, and what was it, that happened to her.. Ever since she arrived on the Other Side, she was fulfilling Klaus's thoughts like a poison, or a disease. And, it wasn't like Klaus had anything against it, no.. He actually enjoyed it. However, in the moment, when Caroline's location was unknown, and the abductor a complete stranger, Klaus was rather anxious.. Sure, it was quite comforting, that no one was causing her any sort of pain, however.. What if it was only temporary ? What, if this presence, that Ezekiel felt, wasn't exactly the way, he was describing it to be.. ? What if.. What if he was lying to gain some time, and prevent himself, and his allies from getting hurt ? Of that, Klaus couldn't be sure.. What he could, on the other hand, was to grant himself protection, and survive. Only then, he could go find Caroline himself..:

- Aren't you bored of playing hide & seek already.. ? Don't you think, that it would be more appropriate for you to not hide in the shadows like a coward, but to fight here, on the open field ? At least, more honorably.. – Klaus asked, looking cautiously around.

- Oh, believe me, I do have such intentions. Out of all Zied's people, I know best what honor is.. – Austin's voice came from somewhere in the shadows.

- So you say.. But, I have a hard time believing it. So, how about you come out from the darkness, and prove it yourself, here, and now.. ? – Klaus responded, getting slightly annoyed with Austin's attitude.

- That wouldn't be fun now, would it.. ? – Austin whispered from behind Klaus, stabbed him in the back with what resembled a wooden stake, and punched him on the wall, which made Klaus let out a sound of ache, and pain.

- Ugh.. Element of surprise, I see.. Your master should be proud. However, there's one thing you should know, that you've managed to achieve by your silly move.. I usually tend to give my victims a chance. So, they can think they actually stand a chance against me, and have some kind of power in their hands.. However, you, Austin, have managed to upset me, a lot. And, that forces me to take away that privilege.. – Klaus replied, and as he finished his sentence, his eyes glowed bright yellow, while he took out the stake.

- Well, it's not like I needed that in the first place.. Did I ? – Austin looked at Klaus with some kind of courage in his eyes.

- Oh, believe me.. You did – Klaus answered, and threw himself at Austin, with his fist.

Klaus tried to stay calm, in order to not give Austin any sort of satisfaction. Additionally, he also intended to stay focused, and not get distracted by his heightened emotions, such as anger.. Because, Klaus knew well, what Austin was trying so desperately to do. He wanted to make Klaus lose his temper, and attack him with everything at once.. And, once Klaus would do so, Austin would probably find some weak point in his defense, and have no problem in finishing him off. And, Klaus couldn't allow himself for something like that.. So, when he threw himself at Austin, he did it with a balanced mind, and strength, aiming for his face. However, as Klaus predicted, Austin swiftly dodged it.. Thankfully though, he didn't manage to predict Klaus's another move. Because, in the moment, when Austin managed to defend himself, Klaus swiftly turned around, and punched Austin in one of his shoulders, making him visibly hurt.. But, it didn't stop there. As Klaus was walking towards Austin, he quickly got up from the floor, and tried to hit Klaus with his leg.. Which Klaus managed to catch in the air, hit it with his fist, and threw Austin at the wall, on the other side. As he was lying on the ground, Klaus picked up the wooden stake, that was previously prepared for him, divided it on two, and threw one at Austin's already hurt shoulder, which trapped him against the wall.. Looking above his head, Austin could see only one. Klaus's glowing, yellow eyes:

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