CHAPTER XXXXVI: "Efforts are always better than promises"

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Lizzie had no idea on how to adapt in a new situation. It wasn't, perhaps, the first time, that she was ending up in a really bad situation, however, each time she did, it was equally stressful.. As, although she was more of an enemy to Austin, than Rose, she was still quite unsure of both of them. From one side she was glad, that Austin swooped right in, and saved her in time, but from the other.. She felt like a traitor.. Like a repulsive liar, that of which, lies were now finally seeing the daylight.. And, Lizzie didn't like that feeling at all. But, it wasn't like she could just run away, and let things happen, directed through fate.. Because, in all reality, she feared Austin. Not for his posture, or the fact, that he was older, but because she could tell, he was unpredictable. And, for some odd reason, Lizzie felt as if it would be a very bad idea to leave him, and Rose all alone.. Because, despite the fact, that Rose caught her, and would probably show all her lies to the world, Lizzie still didn't want her to get hurt. And, knowing just how brutal Zied's people could be, she didn't want to leave Rose with Austin themselves.. Not, when she still had a choice in that matter:

- Aha.. Talk of the devil, and the devil appears – Rose commented, upon seeing Austin joining them both.

- What.. Are you doing here ? Were you following me around, ever since yesterday.. ?! – Lizzie questioned right away, ignoring Rose's reaction.

- Answering your question, yeah, I was. Zied told me to keep an eye on you.. And, he was right to do so. It seems, that you really like getting in trouble.. Time, after time. Well, someone's got to clean your mess, right.. ? – Austin smiled mischievously to Lizzie, and looked at Rose with danger in his eyes.

- You really think your empty threats scare me.. ? Oh, Austin, you really do underestimate me. If you think, that I will let you both lead everyone around by the nose, then you are deeply mistaken.. – Rose called out, standing still.

- The thing is, Rose.. I do not underestimate you. Never have I ever did do so.. But, I'm calling things how they're going to play out. You're a danger to Zied's plan, and let's just say, that we don't want any uncalled surprises.. Everything must go smoothly. Even, if it means dealing with you.. – Austin responded slowly with a soft tone of voice, and then used his vampire speed to attack Rose, which she didn't manage to notice in time.

It was truly terrifying for Lizzie to watch the played scene in front of her. In a matter of few seconds, all, that Lizzie could see, was Rose, and Austin chasing after one another, and placing a hit over, and over again.. And, she could quickly tell, that despite her best efforts to stop this current situation, this fight was, in fact, inevitable. Rose was led by the need of protecting herself from her dangerous, and impulsive predator.. But, despite her own best efforts, she was still lacking a lot. Perhaps, not the skills of the combat, but rather the fight spirit, that Austin was showing all throughout.. Observing him, Lizzie could tell, that he was extremely determinant, calm, and kept his focus on Rose all the time, not letting anything distract him. He was far too prepared for Rose to have any chances.. And, when he finally placed that one punch, which ended up throwing Rose on the ground, half unconscious, Lizzie knew it was enough, and she had to stop him. But, she didn't get to.. After exchanging one worried, and extremely depressing look between Lizzie, and Rose, when Lizzie was about to step in, and stop whatever was going to happen next, Austin made his one, final move, that caused Rose to become fully unconscious. She had lost, and Lizzie had nothing to say in that matter.. Not, that she even could, since she was frozen, after witnessing such horror happening in front of her eyes. Her legs didn't want to move, her heart was beating fast.. Seeing in what kind of state Lizzie was, Austin picked Rose up in silence, placed her on his shoulder, and started walking away, as not wanting to traumatize this blonde-haired girl any longer:

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