CHAPTER XXXXVIII: "Things left unsaid stay with us forever"

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A day passed. Only one day, since the end of such tragic event in the Other Side's history.. Only one day. But, for Tania, as well, as for others, it felt like at least a decade had passed by, unnoticed.. Yet, so many things changed in that one day. So many things got replaced with others.. So many things disappeared, and others were built anew. But, one was sure. Everyone was still recovering from all the small losses, they had to bare.. Although they fought themselves a victory, it felt more like a defeat. They all, were still trying to put all the pieces together, in order to get everything right, every action in order to try to fully understand, how exactly it was, that they won, despite the negative odds.. How, was it possible for a group of few believers to win against such a powerful enemy, that no one else before, dared to question, nor even think about fighting against. Many things changed.. And, no one really could tell, if those were positive changes, or were they just cover ups, for the things, that got lost. No one, especially Tania, who was still remembering herself the last words, that Zied spoke to her, before he got trapped in the Pandora's Box, that she was now staring at, inside Zied's old pub, that now belonged to her.. She couldn't let go of his words. Words, that cut deep like a knife to her back.. Did she make a good decision ? Was Zied really a threat.. ? Was she the bad guy in all of this ? She did not know.. But, thankfully, Tania didn't have to think long about that, as her lonely thinking got interrupted by Rose's voice, calling her, before sitting beside:

- You okay, Tania.. ? I mean, as much, as it can be okay.. I honestly can't imagine how it felt for you. And, how it was to see Zied's spectacular end.. Gosh, I kind of regret missing that – Rose chuckled a little, but noticed right away it didn't cheer Tania up.

- Well, I'd tell you, if there was something worth remembering. One is sure, though.. He went down for all his sins – Tania commented, but more to herself, rather than Rose.

- And, let's hope he won't come back.. It'll do us both good. Not only us, but everyone else in here.. Have you seen their faces, by the way ? Ever since we declared ourselves the owner of this pub, and changed everything in the blink of an eye, people actually seem to be enjoying this place now.. Their smiles, and laughs feel real, at least – Rose started looking around, which Tania also then started doing.

- Yeah, I.. Haven't noticed that before.. Guess we really managed to change this terrible memory of a pub, into something worth visiting. I'm glad we made that decision.. But, I'm just.. Not sure, if I can act, nor be like them. I mean, only a day has passed, since Zied.. It's just not so simple for me, either way – Tania started staring at the ground.

- And, no one's asking you for it to be easy. You didn't only lose an enemy in that moment, but also somewhat of a dear friend.. And, I am nor judging, nor asking you to smile, or pretend you're happy. Heck, I mean, I.. I also can't believe what happened. What, we, you, managed to achieve, Tania.. Take some time off, if you must. Everything's going to be different now.. And, we, me, nor them, are going to go away. So, take all the time you need.. We'll be waiting – Rose put her hand on Tania's shoulder, smiled to her warmly, and then got up to talk to people in the pub.

- Yeah.. What I managed to achieve.. – Tania put her head on the countertop, and started staring yet again, at the Pandora's Box.

Tania was sure of the truthfulness in Rose's words. She did, and believed in her honest opinion, and everything she said.. But, although it seemed as not such big of a deal for Tania, it, in all honesty, was a big loss for her. She didn't only lose 'somewhat of a dear friend', but.. Someone, whom Tania used to.. Love. Care about.. Someone, who used to be her number one. He was a villain, indeed, and he had to be put down for everyone's safety, however.. Although it was understandable also for Tania, she couldn't help, but straightly feel bad with how she treated Zied.. She promised him something, that she knew, even back then, in the moment, when she made that vow, she wasn't going to keep. Yet, she allowed herself to make such a vow, and make Zied believe in it.. She was a liar. A filthy liar, no batter, than Zied.. Her place always belonged next to Zied. And, so, while staring at the Pandora's Box, the jail of powerful Zied, she thought, if she, perhaps, was supposed to be in there, as well.. Locked up, away from everyone. Not free, allowed to run freely. Especially, since she was just as guilty, as Zied.. Although on opposite sides, they both had played their part in the hurt, and death of some. With, the only exception, that Tania's conscience seemed to not want her ever to forget that..:

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