CHAPTER XVIII: "Control is just an illusion"

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Lizzie knew, that the man, who was going by the name "Zied" was no ordinary villain. It was a person with certain goals, and aims, that he would do anything for, even if it meant kidnapping bunch of teens.. She knew, that her particular personality wasn't helping her, and Landon at all, but she couldn't show the blue man, that she was scared. Lizzie hated feeling vulnerable, and that's why she always tried to pick up a good face to the wrong game.. And, it was the case also this time. She knew, that Zied wanted both her, and Landon for a sick play of his, and would never let them go, but.. There surely was something both of them could do.. And, so that's exactly how the idea of getting the man's sympathy was born inside of Lizzie's head. Fate had it, that Landon thought of the exact same thing.. But, the only problem was, it was tough for Lizzie to control her.. Exquisite personality:

- You know.. You really remind me of someone I met not so long ago. That attitude of yours.. Seems like an uncanny resemblance – Zied commented Lizzie's behavior.

- Oh really.. ? That's interesting. But, not as much as your answer to my latest question.. If you'd be so kind, of course – Lizzie put on a fake smile on her face.

- I join in the question. If I have something to say in this matter.. – Landon backed Lizzie up, knowing what game both of them were playing.

- If both of you would listen to me carefully, you'd already know the answer. I told you, that preparing a play is not something to take for the granted.. Many things can fail in the process of making it alive. So.. Unfortunately for you, you'll stay here for a solid while.. Hopefully, you don't mind – Zied said with something happy in his tone of voice.

- Actually, we do.. I mean, why do you even need us ? You don't know us, and what we're doing here.. – Landon replied, confidently, trying to figure out the right reason.

- You'd be surprised with how much I know about both of you, young man.. Much more, than it is visible. Now, if you'll excuse me.. I still have some things I need to solve, before the final act occurs, and your big moment appears. I'll see you later, kids.. – Zied responded, and started walking away.

- Wait.. ! – Lizzie shouted after the blue man, causing him to stop walking.

- Yes ? – Zied turned around to face Lizzie.

- What do you know about me.. ? And, how were you even able to block my magic ? – Lizzie waited patiently for the answer.

- Hah.. Now, now. The magician never reveals his tricks.. – Zied smiled warmly, and turned around yet again to continue his work.

- That.. Blueberry ! You'll never get away with this.. ! You can't keep us here forever ! Kidnapping teens is still a crime, just so you know.. ! – Lizzie raised her voice, but sadly, the only response she got, was the sound of Zied closing the door of the place they were in.

It was frustrating for Lizzie on how quickly she could find herself in trouble within few minutes. She really had a gift for that.. And, as normally, she was never losing her confidence, and energy, this time something was different. Something about her was different.. This time, she felt like she was defenseless. Like no matter, what Lizzie would do, she would never get out.. Like, there was even no point in trying to free herself. She knew well, that this type of thinking wasn't justified, and was simply foolish, but she couldn't lie about the fact, that for some unknown to her reason, she was tired.. For the past few weeks, all, that Lizzie was trying to accomplish was connected to Hope, but not in a good way, like it used to be. In fact, all of her doings were connected mostly with hurting Hope, or just making her unable to hurt anyone. Just like she did with Caroline.. And, now, due to her crazy ideas, Lizzie was here, on the Other Side, with dead, supernatural creatures, trying to find her mother. She went straightly from one rocky road to another, within just few days.. And, Lizzie was already tired with all of the troubles in her way. And, now, this.. She was kidnapped with the hobbit of all people, unable of finding her mom, and unable of escaping. But, though she was tired with all she was doing, since the day, Hope became a tribrid, she knew she couldn't give up.. It wasn't who Lizzie was. So, instead of giving up, she decided to keep on fighting, despite the clear feeling of tiredness, and hopelessness..:

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