CHAPTER XXXX: "No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart"

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Even though, all throughout the way to Klaus's place of destination, Landon had much time to prepare for what was coming to him, and figure out a way to calm his own self, he still couldn't bring himself to do so, and ended up just wasting the precious time. There was just this particular feeling connected to Klaus, that was truly intimidating Landon, and making him quite nervous.. After all, he was the 'powerful hybrid', who was responsible for many of the world's sins. And, on top of that, he was also Hope's dad.. Which meant, that if somehow Landon managed to get back to the Real World, if that really would be possible, and he indeed would find a way out of the Other Side, and things between him, and Hope would work out, and be as good, if not ever better, as they were back, when Landon used to be alive, they would become a family. And, that feeling was just not sitting right with Landon.. So, he just hoped, and had his fingers crossed, that his mind would be indeed able to analyze everything in time, and he'd be able to present himself well, if not magnificent in front of someone so powerful, and threating as Klaus Mikaelson himself:

- How about here ? – Klaus asked simply, and waited patiently for Landon's response.

- Ah, yeah. Sure, it's.. A good place to talk – Landon chuckled awkwardly, and both of them sat on the bench, facing the woods.

- So, Landon Kirby.. Tell me. How was my daughter the last time you saw her.. ? – Klaus started, and stared at Landon to notice, if he was indeed truthful.

- Hope.. ? Oh, she, uh.. Well, was busy with protecting the School from the monsters, as she always had been. And, um.. Trying to stop her fate, which.. I guess, didn't work out too well – Landon responded, which got Klaus curious.

- The School.. One, created by Caroline, you mean ? Is she a good student.. ? – Klaus replied, wanting to get to know about Hope more, since he couldn't get that much information from Caroline.

- Yeah, ran by Mrs. Saltzman, indeed. And, Mr. Saltzman, as well.. And, um.. Yeah, Hope is a great student. Or, at least was.. One of the best ones.. She's a fast learner, and even a better teacher. She truly has a natural talent of being good in everything, that regards the fighting part.. – Landon explained, and started thinking about Hope.

- Like her father.. And, has she made some close friends ? – Klaus asked, eyeing Landon.

- Indeed, a bunch. I'd say the closest to her are probably Lizzie, and Josie, the twins of Mrs. Saltzman.. Then, there's also me, or at least was, and a couple others – Landon stared at the ground, when he thought about how long he hasn't seen Hope for.

- About that.. Tell me, boy. How is it, that my daughter is all alive, and well, and you are here.. ? Has she gotten bored of you, and decided she needed a change ? – Klaus smiled a bit, in order to loosen the tension, but could tell by Landon's gaze, that it wasn't an easy topic to talk about.

- I wish it was that way, I truly do.. However, unfortunately as I said before, trying to stop the fate didn't work out too well for Hope. But, didn't Mrs. Saltzman tell you anything.. ? – Landon asked both Klaus, and himself in his mind.

- Caroline.. ? No, I don't think so, at least not anything regarding Hope, and her fate. Is there anything she should've told me about.. ? – Klaus questioned, and waited for Landon's answer, with less patience, than before.

- Oh, I.. I probably shouldn't. It's something personal, that I shouldn't involve myself with, so.. Maybe Mrs. Saltzman will.. – Landon didn't get to finish his sentence.

- Tell me now, Landon. Now.. – Klaus interrupted, with some danger, written in his eyes.

- I.. Okay. As you wish, sir.. But, spoiler alert. It's not going to be the most pleasant thing to hear about.. – Landon warned Klaus, with a trace of sadness on his face.

Unfinished Symphony - Caroline Forbes & Klaus MikaelsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin