CHAPTER XIV: "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn"

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Klaus knew, that whatever would happen now, he would have to put up with his act. If someone (in the worst case scenario, Zied himself) would notice him pretending to be this emotionless piece of human, everything would be ruined.. Especially something, which Tania was so desperate to hide from everyone, just so it wouldn't be a disaster. And, though Klaus was quite curious on why she helped him in such way, he understood, that every person had their own reasons for acting a particular way, and besides.. It wasn't like Tania had to explain herself in front of Klaus.. If something, he should be the one thanking her, and not discussing anything more. After all, as much as he hated that sentence, she saved him.. Not only him, but also his possible victims. So, when Klaus decided to intervene between the fight, that was going on, he knew he had to be careful with both of these women, while playing his role, as he didn't exactly want to hurt either.. But, with Zied observing everything carefully, he had to pose like he wanted to do so. Seeing, that both Tania, and the other woman were ready to literally jump on each other, he used his vampire speed, and stopped both of them with each of his hands.. Seeing him do so, both women stood still, and from what Klaus could see, they got quite disorientated, but rather glad, as they didn't seem to be wanting to fight with each other:

- K-Klaus.. ? – Tania asked, like she was just brought from some trance.

- Are you both done with showing off ? – Klaus looked once at Tania, then at the second woman, whom he didn't know.

- What's this supposed to mean.. ? You've just ruined the entire show ! – Zied started throwing hands, like he got offended by Klaus's doing.

- I think it's much better, and quite beneficial for you to still have both actresses, and not just one.. – Klaus replied, and still stood between Tania, and her "friend".

- I would stop them myself in the right time. But, of course, you had to get involved.. Always needs to have all the attention, right ? You maybe are the cruelest, unique and merciless addition to my collection, but don't overstep your rights.. – Zied sent a "death stare" at Klaus, but he couldn't care less.

- "Stop them myself in the right time".. ?! And, when exactly would that be, huh ? After one of us would hurt the other ?! Is that what you want.. ? – Rylie looked at Zied with disbelief all over her face.

- You're a hypocrite, Zied. You don't care for anyone else, but your own.. God, I feel sorry for you. And, I feel sorry for each person, that has to put up with you, because you know what.. ? You disgust me. You're selfish, narcissistic.. You say you'll help all those souls, that come to you for help, and then you make them your puppets. You put them on a string, and make them dance to your tune.. And, what about your loyal subjects, huh ? You enjoy them hurting one another.. What kind of a person that makes you ? – Tania added, visibly both sad, and angry with Zied.

- Definitely not the person you pose yourself to be.. – Rylie said, and started walking away, with soon Tania following her. But, before she did, she gave Klaus a look full of gratitude, and pain..

- Well, that went better, than I expected it to go.. Probably you didn't expect both of them to get so angry now, did you ? Should've known not to mess with women's feelings.. – Klaus smiled ironically to himself, waiting for Zied to snap.

- Sometimes you have to go over the edge to achieve certain things.. You'll soon understand that. Now, let's go.. I have a job for you to do – Zied responded without any emotion on his face, and started walking in (thankfully) the opposite direction of the pub.

Klaus could see what was going on. That, slowly, but surely, Zied was losing his patience.. He could tell, that he wasn't so sure anymore of his allies. That, he wasn't exactly sure, if they were really with him on every case.. And, Klaus was sure, that such mystery, doubts, and uncertainty was going to drive him insane. Step, after step.. Second, after another. The only question was, on whom he would let his emotions out, and when..

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