CHAPTER XXXIII: "The successful are those, who have been given opportunities"

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If Kaleb, or anyone else from MG's closed circle of friends saw him right now, they'd probably think he's gone crazy. After all, not everyone would be willing to risk so much, only to satisfy your loved one.. But, despite the very obvious reason for why MG agreed upon Lizzie's marvelous plan, he also wanted, additionally to making Lizzie happy, to achieve one more thing. Which was for her to come back to him, safely, and maybe then, she'd get enough of such dangerous situations, and missions, and it would be the end of her constantly putting herself in danger.. And, although the probability of it happening was only 50%, it was enough for MG, and it was mostly, because of the hope, that he was carrying in his heart, for each person in his life. The hope for better days, alongside his friends, surrounded by laughs, smiles, and everything good, which a single person could wish for.. Forgetting about the problems of the modern world, and focusing on the hopeful future. However, in order to achieve that certain vision of the nearest future, firstly MG had to take care of Lizzie's problem, or at least prepare her the ground to solve it on her own..:

- So.. I have to get the key, come back here, and release you ? – MG asked again, just to be certain.

- That would be about it. Any objections.. ? Something else you want to discuss ? – Lizzie answered, with a perfectly calm tone of voice.

- No, no, I just.. Wanted to make sure I've understood everything. Sounds easy.. So, it will be easy. It must be easy.. Right.. ? – MG looked at Lizzie, with some sort of doubt in his eyes.

- Uh, well.. I don't see why it would be otherwise. That is, if you manage to avoid my dad, my sister, and basically everyone, who's involved in the case of 'moi'.. – Lizzie responded, but only after she did, she realized, that she had only stressed MG more.

- Now that you put it like that.. I-Isn't there some other way ? You know, that I'm not that good at lying.. What if.. What if they'll figure it out ? What if I.. Put your life in danger ? – MG started mumbling under his nose, but Lizzie could perfectly hear his doubts.

- Well, you better not, MG, because I give you my word, that if you do, I'll come back to haunt you in the afterlife – Lizzie looked at MG with a distinguish look in her eyes.

- I, uh.. Then, it will be better, if I just focus on my mission, and do my best, I guess – MG chuckled a little, to release the tension.

- Hey, don't worry, okay.. ? That was just a joke, but as I see now, it didn't really help. Sorry.. It'll be fine, MG. You will get through this.. And, besides, once you get the key, I'll have to do the rest. Meaning, the ugly bit.. – Lizzie said, and sat down on the cold ground.

- Well, let's not act like you haven't brought that on yourself.. – MG replied quietly, on which Lizzie sent him a killing gaze.

- And, look who's got his tongue back just now.. – Lizzie widened her eyes, which made MG laugh a little.

- Okay, okay.. I know it's not your fault. Can you please stop aiming at me now.. ? – MG responded with a begging voice.

- Only, because you asked so nicely.. – Lizzie chuckled a little.

- Thanks. I should probably go now.. As we both know, time is not in our favor. Something you want to say, before a hero of yours goes on a quest to save his damsel in distress.. ? – MG asked, but as soon as he did, he regretted that.

- Oh, like some words of courage before the journey, right.. ? I get it. How about.. 'Don't fail, hurry up, and bring me back the key. Because, if you don't, everyone will find out about that secret stash of the comics in the living room'. Will that do.. ? – Lizzie got right on the subject, as to not make MG more uncomfortable.

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