CHAPTER XXXII: "Nothing is given, everything is gained"

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Not many things could drag Frederick out of his good mood. And, even if some of them were doing so, he was always quickly coming up with some idea on how to fix that problem.. However, in this case, in the situation, in which he was in that particular moment, he was finding it hard to find something, anything, which could cheer him up, even a bit. And, it wasn't only, because of the decision, that he had to make, and the fact, that he hasn't seen the grass in what-felt-like several decades, but also, because he missed the peace, that he felt before, in that split moment, when Adeline forgave him for his sins, and he was one step away from seeing Evangeline for the first time, in a long while.. Things used to feel so easy, in that moment, that Frederick would never imagine, that his life would become a complete chaos again, in such a short while. He knew, that he made the right decision, and he needed to repay the favor to Caroline, however.. Frederick also knew, that he couldn't do so, if he continued to sit in a cell, that Zied prepared just for him. It wouldn't be alright of him to just fall on the ground, and think of just how miserable his life is.. He had to come up with some sort of a plan. And, it would be best, if he did do so, before Zied would lose his patience..:

- Are you.. Okay ? – Frederick asked, the now waking up Eve.

- Ugh.. My head hurts a little. And my ribs.. But, overall I'm fine. However, I still have few questions I need to ask you.. First, forgive me, but who exactly are you ? – Eve got slightly up from the floor, and put a hand on her head.

- Oh, that's right, you've never seen me before. My name is Frederick, and.. I wish we could meet in some nicer circumstances, than these ones.. – Frederick answered, and leaned against the cold wall.

- I'm Eve, but something tells me you already know that.. Uh, Frederick ? – Eve responded, blinking rapidly as to clear her vision.

- Yeah.. ? Is everything okay ? Do you feel unwell.. ? You look pale. Maybe lie down again, or.. – Frederick started saying, but he was quickly interrupted, just in time.

- Why am I tied up.. ? – Eve's question stopped Frederick from speaking, and caused him to feel slightly uncomfortable.

At first, Frederick wasn't sure on how he was supposed to continue this conversation. Sure, he did want to be sincere with Eve, but.. It wasn't like he could pretend, that he wasn't debating on whether to listen to Zied, and end her life, or not.. He couldn't just talk to her, like nothing like that, no bad scenarios were circling around his mind, because they were. As one of Frederick's good friends said, it was always better to be honest, and suffer the consequences of the truth.. However, Frederick couldn't hide, that he was quite scared. Not, because of Eve's reaction, but because of the fact, that he didn't want to know, if he'd be able to even say something so horrific.. Besides, how was he exactly supposed to say that ? 'Hey, by the way, I was offered to end your life, in exchange for being free'.. ? 'I'm sad to inform you, that I need to make the decision on whether to spare you, or not' ? Surely, he could wait with that for a minute, or two.. And, for the time, that he was given, he decided to talk to Eve more, in order to finally make up his mind, if it was worth to save this poor soul, or.. Or would he really find that strength somewhere inside of him, and do something unforgivable:

- Are you familiar with a jinni, that goes by the name 'Zied'.. ? – Frederick dared to look Eve in her eyes.

- I, uh.. Yeah, I've heard of the guy. Why.. ? – Eve answered, not letting her eye sight off Frederick.

- Well, here's your answer.. It all comes down to that jinni – Frederick said, and started staring at the ground, as to ashamed of his vivid thoughts.

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