CHAPTER XX: "When your actions contradict your words, they don't mean anything"

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"Don't lose your hope". Simple, and short words, that didn't have to mean that much, yet they did.. For both Landon, and Lizzie, who were in a really bad situation. Lizzie, because she was now stuck here, on the Other Side.. No matter, what she would try to do, she wouldn't be able to go back to the Real World, back to her body, that was somewhere next to Jed, and MG, who probably were worried for her. Or perhaps they weren't, because Zied made sure, that no one would know what happened to her.. ? Lizzie didn't know that, and just a simple thought, that everyone forgot about her, and thinks she is okay, was making her feel hopeless. Lizzie always considered herself as a brave, and independent person, but the truth was, that she really wasn't.. Most of the time she was simply a follower, letting others decide what is best. And, she was just there as a person, who could help, if things were going down, as well as to annoy people.. But, now.. She was all alone. Yes, maybe Landon was indeed with her, but she still felt like she was all alone.. After all, no members of her family was here. Maybe except for Caroline, but Lizzie wasn't even sure of that.. Besides, it wasn't like she could just check, if she was here. As for Landon, he was simply angry with the fact, that problems, and tough choices were still chasing after him, even after his sacrifice.. After what happened in the Real World, Landon thought, that this would be the end of his worries. That, his sacrifice would basically mean, that everyone would be safe from Malivore, his own father, who was truly a monster.. That his friends would be safe, and mostly Hope. But, as it now seemed, he could never escape problems.. He could never fully run away, because they would always find him. And, just this simply thought was truly annoying.. Back in the Real World, he was a prisoner of his father, somewhere deep in his mind, and now Landon was here, a prisoner of someone, who was basically a 2.0 version of Malivore. Also a villain, who wanted to fulfill his sick ideas.. But, no matter how badly the situation seemed like, both Landon, and Lizzie knew, that they couldn't give up. They couldn't let the bad guy win.. After all, they were heroes. Or, at least they were hoping to be ones..:

- Can you somehow try to reach the ropes on my hands.. ? – Lizzie asked, trying to think of anything, which could be their way out.

- I'm afraid, I'll have to disappoint you.. Already tried that one – Landon answered, with a hearable note of anxiety in his voice.

- Then, our only option is to crawl to that piece of glass. So, anyone wants to volunteer.. ? – Lizzie said, and after she did, Landon raised the brows on his face.

- Lizzie, you know well, that we are the only ones in this building, right ? There is no one, who could volunteer besides.. – Landon wasn't able to finish, because Lizzie cut him off.

- You ! Gosh, I thought the exact same thing.. ! I guess people were right, when they said, that great minds think alike – Lizzie responded, with some kind of enthusiasm in her voice.

- Oh, Lizzie.. You truly are one of the kind. But, I guess you're right.. It truly will be better, if someone more stable will get a hold of that piece of glass – Landon said with annoyance, and started somehow pushing himself with his legs towards the window, as much as his position was allowing him to do.

- Who would've thought, that the bird knows how to chirp back.. And, why are you so slow ? Can't your legs move faster.. ? We should already be beside that dirty window – Lizzie replied, letting Landon do all the needed work.

- You know, that it would help me, if you were also pushing us with your legs.. ? Besides, some work could do you well, instead of constantly talking, don't you think ? – Landon asked, and only then Lizzie started helping him.

- If you're insisting on getting my help so much, then sure.. I guess I can help, if you can't handle simple things on your own. Besides.. If one has to say so much, then it only means they're smart. Sometimes we, geniuses, have to spread our thoughts around.. If we didn't, it would get pretty crowdy in that mind of ours, if you know what I mean. But, I guess you don't.. Not all of us are born as geniuses – Lizzie answered, with an annoyed tone of voice.

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