CHAPTER XXIII: "Something is better, than nothing"

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Caroline was sure, that what Tania said was a good advice. That, no matter what would happen afterwards, it was always better to be honest, rather than hide the truth, and lie, until there would be so many lies, that you'd eventually get lost in all of them.. But, Caroline wanting to spare Klaus some unneeded stress, sadness, and worry, wasn't the only case, that was on her mind. She wasn't only trying to protect him, no.. Despite, making a solid decision, and a promise to herself, that someday, sometime, Caroline would tell Klaus the entire truth, she was also troubling herself with how exactly she should deliver such problematic message. After all, she couldn't just walk up to him, and say something like: 'Hey, Klaus ! How are you.. ? Just wanted to let you know, that your daughter turned into a blood-thirsty monster, and ended up killing me to give her friends, and others a warning'.. She wasn't emotionless. But, perhaps that was the only problem she was currently facing.. Perhaps, her worries weren't such big of a deal, that she was making them seem. Perhaps, her soft heart, enormous sympathy for others, and a constant desire to help those in need, were the true causes of her problems.. Because, if she didn't worry so much about how to deliver Klaus such message, and just tell him straight away what happened to her, before she got to the Other Side, she wouldn't have to deal with her conscience, and Klaus's judging look. If that was the case, Caroline would already have that troubled conversation behind her, and she'd be able to move onto some other, important things.. But, unfortunately, taking a blind eye for someone's pain, worry, and struggle, and not trying to help, wasn't something common, and casual for Caroline to simply do:

- You're right. It's not only about me.. He has the right to know. Thanks, Tania.. I truly appreciate it. But, honestly, if someone would tell me, that both of us would be here, talking from our the bottoms of our hearts, and sharing such stuff with each other, I wouldn't believe them.. – Caroline said, with a smile on her face.

- Don't mention it. It also took me sometime to realize, that it's basically better to be honest, than to end up drowning in lies, and someone also had to encourage me to be truthful.. Speaking of which, I haven't done that in a while. You know, be honest, with my friends, Zied, even myself.. So, I guess I should thank you for this refreshing conversation. It reminded me things, that I should keep in mind with me, all the time.. And, I mean, I don't blame you. I would probably laugh at that person, and just leave.. – Tania chuckled a little, of which Caroline was glad about.

- What are you two doing back there.. ? It sounds like you're having way more fun, than the both of us here – Riley turned around to face Caroline, and Tania, but continued on walking.

- I double the question. It's odd seeing you two this way.. Never have I ever thought you'd get so along with each other. After all, you're like.. Two, opposites – Klaus summarized, looking at Caroline.

- Well.. It seems like we have more in common, than both of us firstly assumed – Caroline explained, and for the first time in a while, looked into Klaus's eyes.

- And, still much more to discover. If only the two of you haven't interrupted us.. – Tania said, and pretended to be offended, by folding the arms on her chest, and sending both Riley, and Klaus, a judgmental look.

- Got it.. We'll just.. Go back to whatever it was we were previously talking about. Right.. ? – Riley responded, with a fake smile on her face, in order to satisfy Tania.

- Right.. That thing – Klaus added, and then both of them continued on walking in their previous pairs.

Klaus, couldn't help, but wonder what exactly happened to Caroline, that made her so distant, and cold, within those few minutes. But, though he did come up with a few possibilities, connected with her sudden change of behavior, he was now mostly glad, that Caroline was looking at him again, but.. Not with that cold stare like before, but with her heart-warming, and peaceful gaze, that she usually used to look at him, with.. That gaze, in which all of Klaus's worries could just disappear, and never come back. That gaze, in which it seemed, like the time around had stopped, and that Klaus, and Caroline were the only ones, in the entire universe.. That gaze, in which all disbelief, anxiety, and doubt was drowning for good. That gaze, at which Klaus could stare for hours, days, or even years.. Whatever previously occupied her mind, was now gone, and Klaus couldn't be more happier. But, for some unknown to him reason, he felt, like the topic, connected with Caroline's odd behavior, would eventually come back to haunt him.. And, though he couldn't tell why, he decided to take that under consideration.

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