CHAPTER XXXXVII: "Some promises are better left unsaid, part II"

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Seconds were passing like crazy, and the silence felt unbearable.. Focusing on Tania's lost sight, everyone stood there like stone figures. No one dared to move, no one dared to speak.. It seemed as witnessing Tania's spark in her eyes, disappearing, everyone lost their motivation to fight. But, it wasn't only that.. It was also the fact, that no one knew how to react on Zied pushing the right buttons to make Tania lose control of herself, and throw herself at him, which only ended up in her, failing miserably. And, it was also the fact, that some, like Hayley, or Caroline themselves, were simply scared to do anything, because they feared for Tania's life.. If one of them did the wrong move, or perhaps did something, that Zied wouldn't approve, they feared, that it would only result in unnecessary harm of one of their co-leaders. A fellow friend, that they didn't want to see in pain.. As for Zied, he was glad of two things. One, regarding the fact, that he still knew Tania well, and used that knowledge wisely.. Second, regarding the fact, that she was now so close to him. So close, like they once used to be.. But, Zied wasn't a fool. He knew, that if he kept Tania close for even a minute longer, he'd again, get lost in his intrusive thoughts, and think about a way to achieve peace, without involving war.. He had to do the right thing. And, so if he truly wanted to be the leader, that he always had to be, he needed to distance Tania from himself.. So, in order to do that, and not let the feelings for Tania ruin him again, and get inside his head, he simply passed Tania to Austin, who stood beside him, and went back to his completely, fully, and entirely, evil self:

- My, my.. And where's your professionalism in all of that ? I thought we could have a quick, nice chat, and then fight, but it seems, like some of your people are just uncouth, and need to act impulsively.. – Zied commented, being disappointed in Tania's action.

- Nothing of that sort would happen, if you haven't taken Rose. Where is she, Zied.. ? – Hayley spoke first, watching Zied's move cautiously.

- She's unharmed, if you worry about that. For now, at least.. – Zied chuckled a little, loving the leverage he had.

- You really do talk a lot, and seem to be strong in words. How about we test, if that energy pass well onto your fighting.. ? – Klaus responded, sending Zied a threating gaze.

- Oh, of course.. I wouldn't want to keep you all waiting. But, before that happens, I just have one more thing I need to collect.. Lizzie, dear ? Could you please come over here, really quick, and hand it over.. ? – Zied called out, which froze everyone, mostly Caroline.

- Lizzie.. ? What.. – Caroline just observed the scene in horror.

- I'm sorry.. I really am – Lizzie whispered to Landon, who was next to her, and walked over to Zied in silence.

Caroline did not know what to say, or how to react. She knew how tricky Zied could be, and that it was tough to fool him, but.. This.. ? This betrayal, this.. What Lizzie did.. She acted as the life of people, who'd go against Zied didn't matter to her. Like, it was the easiest decision in her life to make.. And, Caroline was terrified, because of that. Sure, she knew, that Lizzie, nor anyone else, could be perfect, but.. This.. ? Choosing the painless route, just for the convenience of it ? Caroline didn't recognize her daughter anymore.. And, all of the looks, that people gave her, right after Lizzie's decision to join Zied by his side. All the gazes of disappointment, anger, betrayal, sadness.. Caroline was finding it tough to bear. Tough to analyze, and even tougher to understand.. As for Landon, he just felt angry with himself. He could tell from the beginning, that there was something, that Lizzie was hiding from him.. Something, that was scaring her, and making her life more difficult, but because he respected her privacy, he let go of it. And, now, as it was turning out to be, he was wrong to respect her privacy, to give her space.. Everyone was in danger now, as Lizzie was just about to hand Zied the object, that could end them all. End their entire existence, and mark in the world.. What if.. What if Landon could prevent it ? What, if he had the power to do so ? And, what, if he just didn't.. ? What, if by choosing to let the matter go, he was the one, who truly endangered everyone ? What, if he was the one to blame.. ? Additionally, finding out so accidently, that Zied had Rose, and then remembering leaving Lizzie alone with Rose the other night, Landon felt like the true villain. Everything was now solving itself.. Every piece started to work with each other well, to create one, big picture. All the Lizzie's shady behavior, her words, her actions, her silence, and avoiding the unpleasant subjects.. Everything was now coming together in a pile. And, Landon felt awful for how he didn't notice anything earlier.. For how he chose to ignore the red flags. But, even though he felt bad, there was nothing he could've done now, in order to make it right.. As for Lizzie, she felt nothing else, but pure shame. Pure disappointment from her own behavior.. She couldn't look back at people, that she was leaving behind her. She couldn't even look at her own mother, knowing well, what type of a look she'd give her.. Lizzie didn't want to be the one to betray everyone. But, she had no other option.. She hated how Zied's voice sounded like. She hated his words, his sentences, his laugh, his attitude, and behavior.. But, she had no other choice, than to be compliant. But, in order for it to not haunt her as badly in the night, she decided to spare herself the sight of everyone, whom she once considered her allies.. Because in their eyes, she was already an enemy:

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