CHAPTER XXIV: "Your beliefs don't make you a better person. Your behavior does"

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Holding Caroline in his arms, Klaus only now was realizing how much he was afraid to lose her, and in how much danger this whole war was putting her in. But, he also knew, that even if he'd try his absolute hardest to get Caroline as far away from this whole thing with Zied, as possible, she wouldn't listen.. Maybe it was because she was such kind of a person, or perhaps, because she didn't like to break made promises, but the reason wasn't the most important in this case. What was, however, was the fact, that Klaus couldn't get in the middle of Caroline's choices, even in such matters.. But, now, that she was unconscious, he had to be the one making the call. He had to be the one protecting her, not otherwise.. And, that's why, the second Klaus heard a female scream coming from the other side of the hut, his first, and instant instinct, was to take Caroline away, in order to not put her in any unnecessary danger. Because, if it turned out, that Zied actually managed to find all of them, and wanted to take his revenge sooner, than later, Klaus wouldn't be then able to overcome his regrets, if he now left Caroline be, just for Zied to find her, and in the worst case scenario, hurt her.. So, after running away from the hut, and finding a field for Caroline to await Klaus's intervention, he decided to quickly return back, in order to make sure nothing bad has happened to Riley, or Tania. However, he couldn't leave without a goodbye..:

- I'll come back for you, love.. Don't you worry – Klaus stroked Caroline's cheek, and then used his vampire speed to get back.

The second Klaus arrived back at the hut, he quickly went the way, the scream previously came from, and once he did, he was quite shocked with what he saw. Maybe, because he never suspected to see something like that, or perhaps he'd never saw anything quite like that.. Because, the moment he stepped into the room, from where the scream came from, he noticed four guys lying on the floor, right next to Tania, that was now picking Riley up from the floor, who was holding her hand on her head, like she suffered a bad injury. It didn't look as something that bad had happened, but Klaus could see it in both Tania, and Riley's eyes, that they were still in shock, and stress.. Thankfully, it didn't seem as any of them suffered any fatal, or critical injuries:

- How could you both.. Not invite me to a party ? – Klaus looked at Riley, and Tania 'seriously', in order to slightly cheer them up.

- Oh, we both know you are the real heart of the party, but sadly these guys demanded a sooner start. And, as an owner, I couldn't fail my guests.. – Riley chuckled a little, still holding a hand on her head.

- Come on, you two.. It's not the best time for jokes, don't you think ? Zied must've sent these pour souls after us.. The only question now is.. Why did he reveal his moles so soon ? It's just.. Unusual for his standard plans, you know.. – Tania admitted, and helped Riley sit down.

- Who knows.. He likes to mess with people, right ? Maybe, it's just another one of his foolish games.. ? Either way, we shouldn't probably worry that much about it – Riley said, looking around.

- Perhaps. Speaking of which.. Klaus, where is Caroline ? – Tania looked at Klaus, with a questioning look.

- Oh, don't worry about that, she's.. Safe – Klaus answered, but the second he did, his eyes widened, and he ran out of the hut, again.

- That is not a good sign, is it.. ? – Riley looked at Tania for confirmation.

- I'm afraid not. And, knowing Zied.. He'd love to have such leverage against Klaus. Especially, since I'm not really buying the story, that he hadn't already figured out about what I did to protect Klaus.. To not let Zied turn him into his perfect soldier – Tania exchanged worried gazes with Riley.

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