I could never forget you

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Tehe theres smut you kinky gays

I woke up in a strange bed, my body aching with pain. My head was splitting and my vision was blurry but I could faintly make out a petite witch bandaging my foot up.

"W-where am I?" I grumbled.

The witches head shot up. She flashed me a small but warm welcoming smile and dabbed a cool wash cloth against my forehead.

"You're safe dear. I brought you to Malfoy Manor. Everything is going to be fine." The woman said softly.

My amber eyes were glassy from the tears and exhaustion.

"What happened? Who are you?" I croaked.

The smile faded from her pretty face.

The witch sat next to me on the bed and took my hand in hers.

"You saved my life. I was being attacked by a mob yesterday and I would have died had you not ran into the mob and shielded me from the attacks. I owe you my life sweet girl. Thank you."

"Narcissa? Narcissa Malfoy?" My head formed a connection. I definitely knew her, but I couldn't remember anything else.

"Yes dear. Its me. And you're Edaline. Edaline Albrecht. Someone I've grown very fond of over the last year." Narcissa spoke.

My brain tingled. Like I could slightly remember her but nothing about our past.

"I... I'm so sorry Mrs. Malfoy. You are familiar, but I don't remember anything. Everything is foggy. I'm so sorry.

A pained look flashed across Narcissa Malfoys face. It was gone as soon as it appeared but her eyes were still saddened by my words. We must've been close.

"It's alright darling. It's not your fault. We will get your memories back. I swear."

"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy. But... why would you help me?" I asked

She flinched and turned her back to me.

She whispered something inaudible.


She sighed and turned around, her doe brown eyes finding mine.

"I said because you are very important to me. I don't want you to forget all the memories we've shared together."

"Mrs. Malf-"

"Narcissa. Or Cissy to you. You always called me Cissy." She said with a sad smile.

"Cissy. Right. Would you mind telling me what happened? Or what led up to it rather. "

Her breathing hitched.

"I... I can't right now. Its a lot. But I can start from the beginning."

Narcissa sat down and held my hand as she began the story of us.

"We met last year during the war. You were helping potter when Bellatrix captured you and brought you to the manor." She showed me her memories, or rather my memories she had from using legillimency on me.


"Harry! I've found where the cup is! Its in Bellatrix's vault!"

"Oh Professor! You're brilliant. Absolutely brilliant!"

"Yeah yeah thanks now go! Before they get here!"

"What about you?!" Hermione yelled. "We aren't just leaving you here!"

"Yes you are. Now go. GO!"

Hermione, seeing the sincerity in my eyes, grabbed the boys hands and
the golden trio aparated away just as the snatchers arrived.

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