✨How You Get The Girl pt.5✨

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Chapter 5:
First Impressions Can Be Misleading

Eda's POV:

I woke up around eight, seeing that I had an hour before the first tutoring session. I opted for streetwear today, black jeans, turtleneck and my dark gray wash Blondie t-shirt with heeled boots. I kept my hair down in its natural wavy state and applied my usual makeup and left for my classroom.I nabbed a coffee from the kitchens before going back to my classroom and setting up. I pulled out some basic source material Draco seemed to be having the most trouble with and set everything up.

Draco arrived first, offering me a small smile.

"Hello Professor."

"Good morning Draco, I pulled some material on things I've seen you having the most trouble with in assignments. I was hoping you could tell me what you feel you need the most help with."
He nodded and looked around seeing the room was empty.

"Where's my mother? She came and found me yesterday and told me she was going to sit in on the first few tutoring sessions."

"I'm sure she'll be here soon." I said.

Right on cue, the door opened, revealing Narcissa Malfoy.

"Good morning Miss Albrecht." She greeted me, still laced with ice but it was friendly enough. "Good morning dragon."

"Hi mum."

She moved to the back of the classroom and put her purse down. Silently observing the tutoring session the entire time. It was heaven not being interrupted, Draco asked questions and by the end of the hour, he had gotten every answer I asked him correct and demonstrated the proper chemical formula needed to start the alchemist spell to turn paper into aluminum. The first step to their final project.

"You did wonderful Draco! I'm so proud of you. It's that easy to turn a fail into a top mark." I said giving him a high five.

"Thank you professor, once you helped me figure out the way I learn, everything got so much easier. I understood everything you explained."

"I'm so glad to hear that." I turned to Narcissa who looked as though she was fighting an internal battle. "Thank you for keeping your promise, you were so quiet I forgot you were here. If this is interesting to you, you're welcome to ask me questions."

She nodded.

"I'll see you next Saturday, Draco." Narcissa said with a smile, hugging her son tight. She pressed a kiss to his head and whispered "I'm so proud of you. I'm always here for you. You can always come to me. I love you"

I smiled at the sight, it made me so happy to see Narcissa take my words to heart.

"Thanks mum. I love you too." He said, pulling back from the hug.

"Thank you professor. See you monday." He said taking his leave.

"Anytime Draco. See you monday."

Narcissa lingered behind.

I looked up at her as I put the supplies away.

"How can I help you?" I asked with a smile.

She looked a tad embarrassed, returning my smile slightly.

"I can't believe you realized he had a different learning style. And that you were able to adjust your teaching so effortlessly. You are a very talented teacher Miss Albrecht."

I blushed, beaming from ear to ear like an idiot.

"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy. If we're going to be seeing so much of each other, you ought to call me Edaline. Miss Albrecht makes me sound like my mother." I shuddered.

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