Turbulent dates

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Hey friends! I'm posting a less dark fic for my first unarchived one shots. Sorry for all the angst... Eda and Cissy learn a lesson in this one. Happy endings though!

"Cissy! I have a brilliant idea!" I exclaimed, entering the room with my voice at full volume, effectively spooking my wife who was nestled in her arm chair reading as she usually does this time of day.

"Merlins beard Eda!" She yelped, placing her hand over her heart. "You scared the living shit out of me!"

I rolled my eyes. Always the dramatics with my wife.

"Are you done?" I asked trying to stifle a giggle.

She glared at me for a moment before relenting and placing the book down on the table.

"What do you want dear?" She asked, her full attention now on me.

"I want you to go on a hike with me!" I said excitedly.

"Darling... I despise hiking." She said raising a brow at me.

I walked in-front of her and kneeled down, grasping her hand as I pled.

"Come on Cissa please??? I went with you to Diagon Alley for a shopping spree and a light lunch for our last date. I'm not fond of shopping either. Please come with me. Its my turn."

Narcissa held my gaze for what felt like an eternity before sighing dramatically and letting out a begrudging "ok."

I squealed, throwing my arms around her in a tight embrace as I attacked her with kisses.

"Thank you Thank you Thank you! It will be so fun! And I promise its a short one. Super easy, 1 hour round trip tops." I promised.

"Fine. But I get to take you to my magical plant seminar next time." She grumbled.

"Deal!" I said. "We're leaving around 4:30 for an evening stroll. So get dressed baby."

Narcissa groaned.


It was 3:45 now so that gave her 45 minutes to get ready.

I spent time getting our supplies ready. I knew my wife. She would throw a massive fit if she had to carry a backpack. So I packed a bigger one with water, snacks, first aid, and my muggle phone and airpods.

Once I had gotten everything packed, i went upstairs to throw on some leggings and a long sleeved athletic shirt. I was expecting Narcissa to be dressed in something more boujee but similar.

Instead I got this.

"Narcissa are you ready y- nope! No way babe. You can't wear that hiking!" I exclaimed, seeing her dressed in heals and a long "casual dress".

"What? Why not?" She asked.

"Cissy we're hiking a nature trail. Its incredibly dangerous to wear heals and trust me you don't want to hike in a dress." I said, dumbfounded she thought this was ok.

"What the hell am I supposed to wear then?!" She exasperated.

I quickly waved my wand and changed into my hiking clothes.

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