✨How You Get The Girl pt.2✨

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Chapter 2:
Meet the Malfoys

To say Edaline was not looking forward to the sorting ceremony and feast was an understatement. Not having Remus last year was a hardship. They'd both started the same year, but after he resigned, the young professor felt the ache in her heart of missing one of her best friends. On the bright side, she'd managed to make friends with Aurora Sinistra, the Astronomy professor. And she had her aunt. Severus was civil to her and they could often hold a decent conversation as his subject played directly into her subject. She took a deep breath, about to enter her living quarters to shower and get ready for the feast in an hour when someone else knocked on her door. She didn't flinch this time at the loud noise and for that she was proud of herself. This whole summer incident had left her in worse shape than she'd have liked to admit.

"Come in." she called out to the figure behind the door, putting her wand in the inner pocket of her cardigan. She'd been fiddling with the handle to calm her anxieties.

"Am I interrupting you?" the deep monotone voice of Severus Snape sounded throughout her classroom.

Edaline breathed out a small sigh of relief, happy it wasn't someone she was unfamiliar with. Snape was a prick sometimes, most of the time, but he was nice enough to her. She turned around to meet his gaze. His brown eyes were so dark they were nearly black and could burn a hole in your head if he was trying to read you.

"Not at all, Severus. How can I help you?" She asked, forcing a smile.

He shut the door to the classroom before making his way to her.

"I come to give you the overall potion marks of your new fifth year students incoming this year. So you have an idea of what kind of disappointment you can expect from the hormone filled sacks of wasted potential." he said, handing you a stack of papers.

Eda rolled her eyes and took the sheets from him, flipping through them.

"Severus, they wouldn't be in my class if they were subpar in potions. It plays directly into my subject." She said, flipping through the small stack seeing All excellent marks. Some were better than others, but all were good. "They all have excellent marks."

"You clearly can't tell excellence apart from average." He said with an eye roll.

"I suppose we'll see." She said, setting down the papers. "So, which students had the hardest time in your class despite the good marks?"

She looked at her roster for her incoming fifth year students.

Hannah Abbot
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Daphne Greengrass
Theodore Nott
Pansy Parkinson
"There's only seven students for this incoming fifth year class. Seems almost a waste of time." Severus said haughtily. "Why even bother?"

"Because they want to learn. If my students want to learn it's my job to teach them. Though, I won't lie, I am a bit worried about sticking Granger in a class full of people who torment her. Though, Miss Abbot seems kind." Edaline said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"And what of Malfoy?" Severus asked, glaring daggers at the woman. "You really think you can handle him?"

Edaline fixed him with a stoney expression and raised a brow, arms folded in front of her chest.

"I'm perfectly capable of handling him. I-"

A loud bang of her door being thrown open cut Edaline off from her sentence and in marched Lucius Malfoy himself, his wife in toe looking as if she'd like to be anywhere else but here. The man was fuming, and Eda thought that if she quinted hard enough, she'd be able to see steam coming from his ears like a train.

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