Maybe I Need You

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Soooo this is some childhood trauma that I dumped onto Eda... I'm sorry guys🗿


Narcissa was red in the face as frustrated tears rolled down her face. She raged on the one person who loved her unconditionally but she was sick of feeling like a charity project.

The other woman stood in front of her looking like a kicked puppy.

"You're right." She whispered in a cracked voice that made Cissa's heart break. "I'll leave you alone then."

As soon as the words left her lovers lips, she was gone. Out of frustration, she slammed the door to their bedroom hard, unknowingly making Edaline cry out in fear.

Narcissa couldn't process what had just happened. She was just standing her ground. Setting boundaries. Right? Had there been better ways to do that? Absolutely. But she hadn't exactly thought of them at the time.

Who was she kidding? After all the days and nights her girl had spent holding her, taking care of her, helping her, of course she wanted to fix the problem. Edaline was a fixer. Edaline would douse herself in gasoline and light herself on fire to make sure Narcissa never suffered. Did Edaline know Narcissa would do the same for her? Why did she feel the need to fix everything? What happened to Edaline to make her this way? Not that having a partner thats empathetic and selfless is a bad thing. But why did she care so much? Narcissa knew she needed to find out why. Her first instinct was to run to Edaline and apologize for her outburst, then solve the mystery after that. But she knew it would be best to give Eda space.

With a huff, Narcissa flopped in the arm chair and screamed into a pillow.

She waited 20 minutes before hunting down her lover.

It didn't take Narcissa long to find Eda. She had been walking down the corridor and heard crying from the hall bathroom.

"Useless! Stupid slut! Mum was right. No one likes me if I'm myself. I should have never gotten involved. Maybe then Narcissa could have found someone who treats her right. Someone thats not a burden! Someone thats not me-"

Narcissa's heart cracked and plummeted into her stomach.

Had she really made Eda believe she didn't love her just the way she is?! She felt immense guilt over what she said and insane anger at her mother for telling her love that no one would like her. But she mostly hated herself.

"Merlin it would be better if I just disappeared!"

Narcissa had heard enough and burst into the bathroom causing Eda to jump and collapse to the floor with a scream.


Narcissa wanted to cry at the scene she was witnessing.

Eda was crouched in a ball on the ground, her hands up above her head and her eyes were clenched shut.

Narcissa put a hand on Eda's arm and crouched down to her level.

"Eda! Eda my love calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to harm you. Its me. Its Cissa." Narcissa begged, making sure her voice was as gentle as possible.

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