Bad Days

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Cissy just needs love. Thats it.

Eda's POV:
Everyone has bad days. Wether its a rough day at work, or something happening in your personal life. Or sometimes you wale up and feel off. So when I woke up to Narcissa Black facing away from me in bed, clearly awake, I had a feeling it was going to be a bad day.


"Not today Edaline. Please. I can't do it today." She said quietly.

"Ok." I replied, not needing more than that, I got up and started my day without my wife.

Don't take my lack of response as a lack of worry. I was very worried about my sweet flower petal, however, I know my wife and when she's ready she'll come to me. And if she doesn't, I'll give her until the end of the day before approaching her.

So the day went by as normal. I left for school to prep my class for the next week and got some grading done before going to hogsmead and buying Narcissa her favorite chocolate from Honeydukes. I ended up getting home around 3 and decided to go check on my wife who was still upstairs.

As I made my way to our bedroom, I heard the sound of muffled sobs from the doorway. I quietly knocked before entering when I got no reply. It was there that I found my wife crying in bed, laying in the same position I left her in this morning.

Quickly and quietly, I made my way to the bed and laid down behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist as I pulled her against me.

"I've got you baby girl." I whispered in her ear, holding her tight as she cried.

She rolled over to face me with her tear stained cheeks, pink with embarrassment.

I swiped my thumb over her cheek to wipe away a tear.

"Why are you crying my sweet? Whats got you so upset?" I cooed, hugging her against my body again.

"I- I don't k-know... I just woke up really really sad and I d-don't know how to feel b-better!" She cried.

"Oh sweetheart... why didn't you just say you were having a bad morning? I would have stayed home with you." I said softly, pressing kisses into her hair.

"L-Lucius always told m-me not to b-bother him with such trivial matters. I d-didn't t-think you w-would care. No one h-has ever c-cared about my f-feelings." She whimpered.


She buried her head deeper into the crook of my neck, soaking it in tears and snot.

"My sweet Cissy. I care. I want to know these things. Everyone has bad days. Its ok. I'm here for you always. At all hours of the day. I don't care if its 2 am. You're never a burden or bother to me." I promised.

She pulled back to look at me.

"But I d-don't even k-know why I'm s-so upset." She stammered.

I kissed her lips to silence her.

"You don't have to. We all have bad days Cissa. And its perfectly ok to feel what you feel. Oh! I forgot! I brought you chocolate from Honeydukes. Its your favorite." I said with a smile.

She kissed me right then and there and we spent the evening watching sad movies and eating chocolate as lesbians do.

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