Mother In Law II Druella Returns

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If there was ever a word to describe Narcissa's relationship with her parents it would be... difficult. Specifically her mother. Now both Narcissa and I have mommy issues. It blows me away how much Narcissa had to go through as a child and I feel awful for breaking down over my own mother knowing what my wife was put through. But Cissy, ever the loving and compassionate wife, is there for me always. She constant reassures me that what she went through is no worse than what I went through and we cannot base our trauma on others. Anyways, my point in saying this is the last two days have been eventful to say the least. Its currently Wednesday, March 11th and Cissy's mother Druella Black has been staying with us for the past two days. You could say its been a stressful two days as Cissy has baked enough cakes, brownies, pasties, and muffins to feed the order of the phoenix for a month. She's a stress baker. I'm currently sat at the kitchen table with Remus, Severus, and Sirius, watching my wife pull pans and trays out of the oven just to put more in and I'm clueless of what to do. Luckily, Druella is in Diagon Alley shopping so at least the house is MIL free. How did we end up here you might ask? Good question.


I woke up on Monday morning to the sound of soft rain pattering on the roof of our home on the irish coast with my wife wrapped around me in, what I affectionately refer to as sloth mode, sleeping peacefully.

This is my favorite way to wake up. My wife in my arms, looking at peace with the world and everything around her. Its just... well its perfect. There is something so, well, magical if I'm honest about waking up with Narcissa. She is my life. My love. My heart. She is my everything and I treasure her.

As I laid awake listening to the rain, I began to stroke her hair, my heart swelling at the subconscious purrs she made at the movements. My Cissa. Its still so surreal that she's mine. After everything we've been through. I'm a professor at hogwarts which is where I first met my wife. I taught Draco starting in 5th year. I teach alchemy and he was struggling and misbehaving in my class. I arranged a meeting with his mother and we began seeing each other three months later. Yes she was still married. Yes it's technically cheating. But she has no remorse as Lucius was cheating too. They had an agreement. They remained good friends. Lucius loved severus, and Narcissa loved me. We're all good friends now which is ironic and it took a lot of forgiveness but we're good. Now, Narcissa and I have been together for almost five years now and married for two of those years. Everything is perfect. We live in my mini mansion as Cissy likes to call it with our daughter Marin. Marin is my adopted daughter and Cissy's been in her life for little over five years. Cissy is wonderful with her. She loves our little girl so much and it warms my heart to see them interact with each other. During the school year, Cissy takes Marin to a muggle primary school while I teach at Hogwarts. Cissy adopted my daughter Marin officially after we married and was upgraded from "auntie Cissa" to "Mummy Cissa". My late friends daughter was left in my care after the war and the four of us are a happy family.

However, Rita Skeeter spotted us in Diagon Alley a week ago, getting icecream to celebrate Marin's Hogwarts acceptance letter. So, Naturally, the next morning, it was on the front page of the daily prophet. Now, Cissy is good at handling publicity. But I'm not. I hate crowds and attention from strangers. So you can imagine the amount of stress and anxiety coursing through my body. It was bad. Lucky for us, everyone believed we lived at one of the Black Manors in Scotland so we hadn't faced any paparazzi yet and for that I was thankful. Marin's had enough trauma in her life and nosy witches and wizards prying at our life was not needed. Narcissa is still highly respected in the wizarding world and after my role in the war, I am too. It was a shock for everyone when we married. But it died down after a few weeks. And I assumed it would be the same with Marin. They knew of Marin's existence but apparently our daughter getting her hogwarts letter is worthy news to be in the daily prophet. Yes Narcissa and I have a daughter. Yes she is the heir to the black family name. So what? Cissa doesn't care and neither do I. It seemed to be calming down which I was grateful for.

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