Sick Days

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Narcissa's POV:
Something was off with Edaline this morning. She was groggier and her voice was raspy and deep when she got up from bed.

"Darling are you alright?" I had asked

"M fine Cissa. Just tired." She grumbled.

I gave her my "I smell bullshit" look but chose not to press the issue further.

Eda had left for Hogwarts around 7:00 am to set up her room for the day, leaving me alone with our dog and my potions research. Before Edaline had gotten up for the day, Aldura, our dog, had laid her head on my wifes lap and whined softly. Something she only did when one if us was feeling off or somethings wrong. So as you can imagine, this put me on edge a bit. Eda had a routine. She always took Aldura on her morning walk/run at 5:30 and was home by 6:15. Then she would shower and get ready for work and have a cup of coffee with me before flooing to Hogwarts. Today, she didn't do any of those things. She dragged herself out of bed, used magic to fix her hair, got dressed and left without so much as a kiss on the cheek.

A soft whimpering shook me from my daze.

Our Black Lab Aldura was gazing up at me waiting for her walk.

I reached out to give her some pets.

"What are we going to do with your mummy huh?"

She woofed softly, signaling it was time for me to take her on a walk.

"Alright alright Alle. I'm up."

After getting dressed and into the ugly trainer shoes Eda had bought me, I grabbed her leash and Alle and I began our morning walk. We ran up the beach and into the woods behind our house for a while until we got tired. Aldura is a very well behaved dog so it doesn't take much to get her to listen.

When we got back it was around 9 am. It was a cloudy morning and I had a lot to do. So I fed Alle and had some breakfast before starting my day of research.

I worked all morning with non stop dead ends. Alle provided me with some much needed support with her cute face and before I knew it, it was noon.

Thats when I heard a tap on the window and saw someone had sent an owl.

I quickly gave the bird a treat and removed the letter, fear flooding my body when I saw it was from hogwarts.

"Oh god Eda!" I thought, tearing open the letter.

Mrs. Black,
Please come collect your wife from the school. She is too stubborn to admit it but she is sick and needs to be home in bed resting. I wore her down and we are in her office. In fact, she is glaring at me as I write you this letter. Use the floo network to get to her office. We are awaiting your arrival.

Headmistress Minerva M. McGonnagal

I let out a groan and glanced at Alle who's head was cocked to the side.

"She's sick. I'll be back." I told the dog.

Alle whined at me and fetched her leash from the hook on the door, dropping it at my feet.

"Oh alright fine! You can come too." I huffed, leashing up our worried dog before making preparations.

I quickly pulled the covers to our bed down, and laid out a pair of Pajamas, before flooing with Alle to Hogwarts.

I arrived in Edaline's office, dog in toe, finding McGonnagal and my wife sitting across from one another glaring at each other.

I stepped out of the fireplace, breaking their glaring contest.

"I knew you weren't fine. I knew it. You stubborn harpy." I scolded my wife in a teasing manner. Alle barked in agreement.

"You owled my wife Minerva?? Thats not fair." Edaline grumbled, her voice low and raspy. She turned around to see me with my arms crossed, leash in hand as I glared at her.

"Oh and you brought the dog to guilt me?! Not fair Cissa. Not fair."

Minnie raised a brow and gave me a pointed look.

"I don't recall life ever being fair dear. Narcissa is here. Go home and get some rest."

"I'm fine." She replied.

"Eda. My love, you're sick. Come home with me." I said, placing a hand on my wife's shoulder.

She glared at Minerva and me for a moment before relenting.

"Ok." She grumbled.

"Take good care of her Narcissa. Shes a lot worse than she's letting on."

I nodded and helped my wife up and into the fireplace, flooing us home, Alle trailing behind me protectively.

As soon as we crossed the threshold, I picked her up rolling my eyes at her protests.

"Don't get bratty with me Edaline."

I was highly annoyed with my stubborn wife, rambling and fussing non stop as I carried her through the house, up the stairs, and finally into our bedroom. I carefully set her down, magicked her into pajamas, and tucked her into bed. Alle hopped onto the bed next to her, her big head in Eda's lap.

"Cissy I-" she started, petting out dogs head.

"Do not Cissy me right now. Lay down and go to sleep. Alle will snuggle you until I get back with some necessities."

And with that, I left the room, going to get Edaline some soup, water, and medicine.

"God! She's so fucking stubborn!" I vented to myself as I gathered what she needed. I let out a sigh.

She cares too much for her own good. The only reason she went to work is because she cares about her students. I made my way upstairs to my sick wife to find her curled up shivering with Aldura under the covers.

My heart broke at the sight of my strong Gryffindor looking so weak.

"Sweetheart... you gotta sit up. You gotta take your potions."

Eda let out a groan.

"Cissa... I'm not feelin so good. I-"

Edaline bolted up and ran into the bathroom, emptying her stomach into the toilet, groaning, tears running down her face as she did.

I rushed into the bathroom, finding my shaking wife hunched over the toilet, barely keeping her balance.

I knelt behind her and held her hair as she threw up.

"Oh my sweet girl. Its alright my love. I've got you." I said, rubbing soft circles on her back.

She's my heart. Even if she's stubborn. She owns my heart. My love. My everything.

"I'm sorry Cissa... I should've told you I didn't feel well. I'm sorry for being a hot head." Eda said weakly.

I couldn't help but smile at my wife.

"Its alright my love. You always take care of me, let me take care of you just this once." I said, running my fingers through her hair.

" ' love you Cissy." She mumbled.

"I love you too. Now come on. Lets go to bed."

"M'kay." Eda agreed tiredly.

I helped my lover up and back into bed, a snuggle starved puppy anxiously waiting for us to return.

I gave Eda her potions, fed her soup, and forced a muggle beverage called "Gatorade" down her throat. She can be such a child sometimes.

"Ah weak! That flavor sucks balls!" Eda groaned. Seeing the piss yellow bottle of Gatorade.

I sighed.

"You have to drink it love. Open up." I said, kissing her head.

"No." She replied.

I glared at her raising my eyebrow to give her my don't fuck with me face.

"Yes. Right now Edaline."

She glared at me for two whole minutes before snatching the bottle from me and chugging it.

"Happy now?" She asked crankily.

I smiled and kissed her head again.

"Very. Now, would you like some cuddles?" I asked her.

Her glassy eyes lit up with glee.


We snuggled the rest of the day, without any worries on our minds.

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