✨How You Get The Girl pt. 7✨

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A/N: sorry for the wait! Smut in this chapter. Its a long one so hopefully that makes up for the wait. Nearly 15k words. Sorry guys I edited it bc I couldn't stand the grammar lmao. Sorry about that. I was running on no sleep and a shitstorm at work.

Christmas Ball

3rd Person POV:

If there were any words to describe the relationship between Edaline and Narcissa, it would be a chaotic mess of hidden romantic feelings towards each other masked by friendship as neither witch thought the love they had for one another was requited. That being said, their friendship truly blossomed after Edaline broke down about what had happened to her over the summer. Both Narcissa and Minerva had spent a great deal of time trying to convince the stubborn woman that confiding in your loved ones for support was healthy, and burying trauma wouldn't result in healing. Eda had been lucky, her breakdown had happened after classes were over and she had been alone with just Minerva.

Edaline, wary of Narcissa knowing she was close to her estranged cousin and niece, had taken a while to come clean about it, not knowing how the woman she was so crazy about would react. Narcissa however, took the information quite well. She encouraged Eda to lean on them for more support, but unlike Minerva who thought she should tell everyone the details, Narcissa understood where the young woman was coming from and even had a row with the elder woman about it.
"You can't force her to tell you the details of what happened Minerva! She has to come to that decision on her own and we need to respect and support her no matter what she decides to share! It could be too traumatic for her to go into detail about. She wouldn't tell me what he did, what he said. She only gave me the basics, and that was enough. I agree that Eda should lean on her loved ones for support, but she doesn't have to tell anyone anything she doesn't want to." Narcissa ground out firmly.
"How can we help her if we don't know what happened? How could she not trust me enough to tell me?!" The older woman snapped. Narcissa gave her a look of understanding, seeing this wasn't just about worry for her surrogate niece, but also about her feelings of betrayal.

"I can understand why you feel the way you do, especially when you've been there for her since she was a little girl. You have every right to be hurt, but you have to understand and accept that this wasn't kept from you because she doesn't trust you. It's because she feels like it's her fault it happened, she's embarrassed, ashamed, and terrified of these people. I haven't experienced assault like that, but I almost did. I caught on early and fled. I've never told anyone about it because I'm still paranoid. And I didn't have anyone that would just listen."
Minerva looked at her with heartache in her eyes.

"Oh Narcissa, I'm so sorry. Should you ever wish to talk about it, I'm happy to listen. I won't tell a soul."

"I appreciate it, but I'm truly ok. It was a long time ago. As far as Edaline goes, just give her time and remind her she can tell you when she's ready, and if she's never ready, that's ok too."

With that, Minerva apologized for snapping at her niece and Edaline took their advice. She wrote letters to Sirius, Ryan, and Tonks. Though she was hesitant about writing to Ryan as she was pregnant. Their replies all consisted of, I'm so proud of you for telling me. How can I help?

Narcissa had sat with her the evening they arrived and read them with her, always offering her support. Draco of course had questions, but he didn't fire them at his favorite professor. Instead, he tried to distract her with his good news. He had been worried about how his mother would react, but he remembered what Edaline had told him a week before everything happened when he'd stayed after class. "Your mother loves you unconditionally Draco. You're her baby, she would do anything and everything to protect you, that won't change if you like men instead of women."

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