Capital Of The Unknown Pt. 1

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The forest was oddly quiet. It was a peaceful kind of quiet, however. And the air here was still fresher than it was in Townsville. Though you know only a small amount of time has passed in your world, it had been almost a month and a half now the you had spent in the Unknown.

Your hair was getting longer, but Brat had noticed it was also darker. Not only that, but you didn't seem to really get tired. For all the walking you did to find the capital, you didn't really feel the need to take any breaks. Granted, you still took them for Robin and Brat's sake.

You could fly, but that would surely cause a panic that you wanted to avoid. People already think that the Beast is back, and they weren't entirely wrong. He had been silent since you woke up. You still didn't know what he was playing at, but at this point, you were just glad you didn't have to worry about him.

Brat: Jeez. How far away is this place?

Robin: Judging by the map the nurses gave us, about another day away.

Brat groaned even more while you just smiled. The nurses gave you a bunch of supplies for your journey. Food, water, and even clothes. While Robin wore a dress, not too fancy for your journey through the woods, you and Brat white button ups with vests and trousers. Brat's vest was left open and was dark blue while yours was closed and black. You even had a bowtie for the heck of it.

You were almost at the capital. And once you got there, you would find help in finding your friends. Then, you could go home and figure out how to deal with the Beast.

Power Up!

You laid on your back and stared at the stars overhead. The fire was still going but Robin and Brat were asleep. You found yourself to be restless. The thought of being this close to finding everyone was in the forefront of your mind.

Brat: Y/N?

You lifted your head and looked over to Brat. She was rubbing one of her eyes with a yawn.

Brat: Are you still awake?

You rested yourself on your elbow and turned towards her.

Y/N: Yeah. Can't sleep.

Brat sat up and looked at Robin. She was still out cold. You had all found a clearing to camp at for the night. The nurses really pulled through with the supplies.

Brat: Something on your mind?

You shrugged.

Y/N: Not really. What about you? Why are you awake?

Brat didn't want to tell you the true reason why. She couldn't explain it, but she felt like you were awake. Like she could tell you couldn't sleep. She didn't know why or how, but she did.

Brat: Same reason, I guess. I just want to get back to Townsville already. I can't believe I'm saying that outloud.

You smiled.

Y/N: You like it there?

Brat: Compared to the place I was at before, it's a huge improvement. Plus, I dunno, I don't feel like such an outcast there.

You raised a brow.

Brat: My sisters were always stronger, so I got picked on a lot. And N/Y wasn't exactly a warm person. But now, I have friends and people who care. It's not something I'm exactly eager to leave behind.

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