Future Quest Pt. 1

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You had never gone to Flordia, and you have definitely never seen the Everglades. You were very much used to the Midwest of America. Still, it was much warmer here. Warm enough that you didn't need a jacket.

And, you would like to say it now, you were seriously happy that you had a friend who had an airship. You would've been flying around aimlessly for God knows how long.

Zak: You know, this isn't what I meant when I said we should have an adventure.

You kept your group small this time. Only Zak and Courage. Brat stayed behind since she was "tired of constant dangerous situations" and to not fall behind on school. Liz only allowed Zak to go with you just because he had been homeschooled prior, so he was up to date with his stuff.

Courage hopped up and struggled to pull himself up onto the windowsill. You gave him a helpful push and he looked at the Everglades below.

You didn't know how long you would be gone for, but Liz managed to get you at least this week of school off. You sent a brief text to Mitch to explain the situation, but you didn't tell him about the Buttercup incident. You didn't know that anyone else really knew about it.

Courage saw, but that was only because he was walking out of the bathroom and just happened to see it through the window.

He was no longer a fan of Buttercup.

Zak: Looks like we're getting close. I'll start to land the airship so...

The conversation was interrupted when you heard something down below. You all looked down to see a fire among the trees. You looked to Zak who nodded. You opened a portal below yourself and dropped down from the airship.

In a flash of black, you flew down to the fire. It looked bad. You didn't have ice breath like Blossom did, but you did have the Void. Thinking quickly, you opened a portal underneath the water and opened another in front of you. Water began to spray out at the flames, putting them out.

Once they were claiming down, you heard voices. You looked back to see two boys and a girl. They both looked to be your age, or some where around it, who were both hurrying through the bush. They stopped when they reached the burnt clearing and looked at you as you hovered there.

Y/N: Uh, I'm not here.

The two boys looked at each other.

???: Do you think that he's the source of the spikes?

???: Well, he is flying. That's not exactly normal.

You sighed before two other men rushed out of the bush, accompanied by a small dog.

???: Boys, are you okay?

???: Yeah, we're fine, dad. But we think we found the source of the spike.

The blonde haired boy pointed to you as you landed on dry land. Or, as dry as land got around here. You looked at the group as one man in particular stared at you in surpise. He then smiled as he made his way over to you.

???: No, Jonny. This boy is not the cause of the spikes. He's your cousin. Y/N L/N.

Cousin? Wait, what?

Power Up!

You stood there confused as the group talked among themselves. You looked up to see a ladder descending from the airship. Zak made his way down with Courage in his backpack and the two joined you in watching the group.

Zak: Who are they? Locals?

Y/N: I only recognize one guy, and that's him.

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