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" You're late!" Mrs. Johnson, our P.E teacher said as soon as I walked inside the school hall.

Everyone else was there but me.

" Bus problems," I answered before walking over to where everyone was standing.

There was laughter from the other students and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.


" Okay, since we're all here, let me get straight to business. Drugs awareness." Mrs Johnson began.

" I don't get it," one boy behind me said.

Even from where I stood, I could smell the nicotine all over him. A rude snigger escaped my lips and I think everyone got the joke because they laughed as well.

" Guys come on! Don't be like that." He complained.

" Cyprian, please, this is not the time and place." Mrs. Johnson begged.

" So, as I was saying,  our school will be hosting a drugs awareness party right here in three weeks."

Great, a party!

" I need you to group yourselves in twos so that each pair can take care of each department. Once you find a partner, please come to me so that I can give you your duties."

Excellent, now I have to find someone douche bag to team up with! Life couldn't get any worse, maybe volunteering for this school business was a bad idea.

Now I have to pretend that I actually want to work with someone!

" Hey," the familiar voice said as I looked up to face the tall black boy who wore a grey oversized hoodie.

The first thing I noticed about him was the skin disorder he had. I don't know what they call it but it's starts with a v.

" Can I help you?" I asked him.

" Yeah, can we be partners...since everyone else has got a partner already." He answered with a weird smile.

" Uh, what ever!"

" Ok! Let's go see what our duties are."

I followed the weirdo and that's when I realized it was the same guy who smelled like a burnt cigarette.

" Khia and Cyprian! Okay you two...please focus on the décor. Is that okay or should I..." Mrs. Johnson said.

" Yeah it's okay. Right Casper?" I said out quickly.

" Yeah sure, sure!" the guy spoke. 

Mrs. Johnson handed me some papers and then thanked us for our volunteering.

I carefully folded the papers and then headed for the exit. As I walked out of the hall, I could feel that somebody was following me.

I decided to stop and turned around. It was the same nicotine guy.

" My name's Cyprian." He said. " Not Casper,"

" what? You're done?"

" I'm just tryna get to know you..."

" Get lost!" I snapped and stormed down the hallway.

" Nice to know ya!" he yelled as I ignored him and resumed on my journey.

I was already late for biology class. I scurried to the biology class and found everyone else in check.

I walked towards my desk and sat down, opposite the empty seat.

" Psst!" I whispered to my desk mate who was also my best friend, Rue.

" What?"

" Where's the class princess?"

" Class princess?" she asked.

" Nova,"

" Apparently she's suffered another seizure. You know what her health is like." 

My eyes shot open instantly. " Wait what?"

" Her mom was here earlier today. It's really bad." She explained. " I know I shouldn't be telling you this but doctor's say she won't make it to twenty."

" That sucks," I whispered softly.

" Poor trophies will go to waste after she's kicked the bucket."

" Khia!"

" What?! It's a joke okay? Relax bitch,"

"I know," she sniggered, covering her mouth in the process.

Seriously though, poor trophies will go to waste if she dies. What's the point of achieving so much when she is going to die surely? That's totally unfair, God is wasting that precious brain of hers. He should have given it to me, at least I'm healthy!

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