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My heart seemed to beat it’s way out of my chest as I walked towards Nancy. I had to get Randy’s cellphone from her or I would be in big trouble with Zero.

I moved between the many faces in the hallway, seeing her walk away.

“ Nancy!” I yelled at her.
She stopped walking and turned around.

“ Nancy, how are you?”

“ Heather. Are you alright?” she asked me.

I nodded. “ Yeah, I’m good.”

“ Good. Come on, let’s go to class.”

I smiled and followed her to our classroom. When we walked inside, I suddenly saw Randy sitting at his desk.

I immediately stopped walking and froze. He seemed to sense me too because he turned to face me and also froze.

“ Hey!” Nancy whispered.

I snapped out of my shock and looked at her.

“ Take your seat, Mrs. Smith will be here shortly.” She said before walking away. I followed her and sat down next her.

“ Morning class!” the mean teacher said as she walked inside.

“ Morning Mrs. Smith!” we all said in unison as she placed her books before the table before us.

“ I heard about what you rascals did at the Drug Awareness Party. Lighting up fireworks, spiking the orange punches with drugs and the whole chaos!” she said in anger.

“ They spiked the orange juice?!” I whispered in shock.

“ Yeah, what? You drank it?” Nancy whispered back.

“ No, Zero did though.” I answered.

“ Apparently that shit made everyone horny and some even had sex at the toilets.” Nancy whispered.

“ Who did such a thing?”

“ Rue, she apparently ran the whole operation with some of the basketball players.” Nancy whispered.

Suddenly Dexter stormed inside. He looked different with the way he had cut his hair.

“ You’re late!” Mrs Smith yelled, “ Go on! Take your seat Dexter!”

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora