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Warm tears cascaded down my cheeks as I stood there, not knowing what to do.

I heard the bell ring and decided to go straight to class. The pushing and chaos began as students walked to their classes.

I moved as fast as my legs could take me but someone pushed me and I fell down and bruised my knee.  “ Ouch!” I cried as more students walked pass me.

They were going to walk over me like a carpet if I did nothing.

I decided to crawl my way to the safer side, but someone pulled me by my arm and rose me to my feet.

He then pinned me to the locker and his body covered me and took all the force from the aggressive students.

He smelled just like my grandmother’s ash tray. Addictive and soothing at the same time.

Yes, he had to be an addict. The pushing and pulling stopped and finally, he let me go and I could breathe again.

“ Are you okay?” he asked me.

I looked up at him and suddenly recognized him. It was the same waiter from last night. 

“ Your knee is bleeding, I think you should go to the school clinic.” He said once again.

“ I…I’m fine. I’ll just wash it and cover it.” I said, trying to act okay.

“ Okay…” he said, “ I’ve never seen you before, are you new?”

“ No, I’m not. I’m actually a senior. I go to class A.” I answered.

“ Oh?! You’re the science freak! That’s cool. I’m also a senior, class B.”

“ History?”

He nodded.  “ Speaking of history, I have a class! Come let’s go.”

I nodded slowly before walking down the hallway with him.

I slowly opened my bag and pulled out a tissue paper. I then stopped and wiped the blood from my knee.

“ Hey!” His voice whispered as I looked up and saw him standing at the end of the hallway.

“ Come, you don’t want to walk alone.”

I folded the stained tissue and put it inside my bag before rushing to him.

A shy smile appeared on my face as I fixed my hair slightly. Maybe I should have worn the make up at school.

Seeing that he couldn’t recognize me, I felt like Cinderella. She had met her prince in the ball.

( although in my case the restaurant!)  I couldn’t wait to tell my mom! Strangely enough, I wanted to live now.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz