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“ Get lost! Don’t you have any one else to worry?”

Khia's words echoed inside my head as I stared blankly at the textbook.

What had I done wrong? Why was she being so mean to me? Maybe Dexter was right, I was just overreacting that she liked me!

A sigh escaped my lips as I rubbed my eyes. Suddenly the lights flickered violently before they exploded.

There were screams and gasps as everyone took cover.

“ Everyone alright?” yelled Mr Ivory.

“ What the hell was that?!”

“ Everyone, please calm down,” he said once again as we heard screams coming from class A.

What was happening now?

I looked around the class and saw some students rush out of class.

We all watched in confusion and curiosity as Mr Nakayama, the biology teacher appeared, carrying a girl that I couldn’t see in his arms.

“ What’s going on?!” asked one girl.

“ Has anyone heard from Nancy and Heather?” Mr Ivory asked. “ Rumors are that they were at the school this morning…”

There was no response but some of the learners secretly looked at Zero who, by the way looked uninterested by their disappearance.

“ Everyone seems to be leaving class, let me go check with the principal if I should release you,” Mr Ivory spoke before heading out of the dark class.

As soon as he walked out, gossip began to spread throughout the class.

“ Guys, look, there’s an ambulance!” yelled one girl as she looked out of the window.

We all stood up and walked towards the windows on the left too.

The red and white vehicle could be seen from where we were.

“ I heard it was Khia. She almost fell over the window.” One girl said.

“ Khia?” I asked, from the other window. “ Are you saying that Khia is the one that they pushed into the ambulance?”

She nodded.

Oh no, not Khia! What had happened?

“ Okay settle down please! Everyone, back to your seats!” Mrs Smith yelled from the background.

I quickly turned around and walked towards my seat.

I sat down and looked at the devil teacher before us. Gosh I hated her, with all of my being.

“ I have unfortunate news, due to the fault in the lighting, the school has decided to let you go home immediately today.” She spoke.

Everyone inside the class cheered happily, some high-fiving each other and hugging. I was not in the mood, especially since Khia was hurt.

“ Take all of your belongings and leave the building peacefully and orderly.” She concluded before walking out of the class.

After those words, I grabbed my textbook and stuffed it inside my bag before walking out, following Dexter.

He wasn’t talking to me. Maybe he was still hurting. I couldn’t even find the strength to talk to him.

As I reached the hallway, the pushing and pulling began.

I battled my way through the vicious students who couldn’t wait to leave the school just like me.

We all wanted to go home!

It had been a hectic day as it was. So much for a Friday! At least we all had the weekend to cool off our steams.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora