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Free class, while the other students went to their hobby grounds, I had to drag my ass to the school hall for the Drug Awareness Party.

I walked towards the school hall, passing students along the way.
As I passed class B, I heard somebody calling me.

I stopped and turned back. It was Cyprian.

“ Khia, I thought you had left already,”

“ I’m always late,” I replied quickly. “ Come on, let’s go.”

“ Okay mam!” he said and we both walked to the hall.

“ You smoke?” I asked him along the way.

“ Yeah, why?”

“ Nothing. So, you’re a drug user and still you want to organize a Drug Awareness Party?”

He laughed awkwardly.

“ You know what you seem like? The devil himself. He’s the only one who can go inside the church.”

“ Oh come on! It’s just cigarettes!” he defended himself.
“ Yeah right,”

He cleared his throat and we continued to walk in silence.

I dragged my feet more, life was a drag! Finally, we reached the hall where we found Mrs. Johnson and the other students waiting.

“ You got any ideas for the décor, huh Cyprian?” I asked my partner.

“ I…not really, what about you?”

“ Geez! You got no brain or what? You and I suppose to make this place cool before the big day,” I complained.

“ You know what, we’ll make the whole place purple, since that’s the color used for drug recovery.,”

“ Yeah that sounds great.”

I rolled my eyes. Unbelievable!

“ So, what did you want to talk about? I heard that you were looking for me?” I spoke quickly.

“ About that, well I wanted to ask you out. If you don’t mind.” He answered with a smile.

“ Just like that? Wow!” I said in boredom, writing on the spare book that I carried.

“ So, what do you say?”

“ Where have you been all my life! Is that what you want me to say?! Listen Casper, you can take me out to EAT, nothing else. Don’t expect a kiss at the end of the day.”

“ Sure, I mean I’m fine with that. It’s not like I smash on the first date,” he added.

I pinched his arm and he yelped, attracting eyes inside the hall.

“ Keep your testosterone together dickhead!” I whispered.

He rubbed his arm and smiled in a cheeky way. “ Yes ma’am,”

This was my time to ask him to drive me home,

“ Umh, you could just drive me home this afternoon.” I spoke.

“ Someone’s horny!” he giggled.

“ I’m not!” I argued.

He touched my hand and I shivered and moved it away from him.

“ Eww! Don’t touch me!” I cried.

“ Why not? Don’t wanna catch feelings?”

“ You’re crazy!” I said. “ Psycho,”

“ Fine, I’ll take you home,” he said, emphasizing the word, home. I smiled shortly, such an ass!

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Where stories live. Discover now