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Heavy metal music played as Zero kissed me hard inside his car.

His lips smacked mine as I struggled to breathe, pushing him off me.

“ What? Don’t you like it?” he whispered between kisses.

“ I…Zero stop!”

He immediately stopped and looked at me in anger.

“ I have to go home. It’s already getting late.” I said.

“ It’s only 4 pm, c’mon, what’s the rush?! You wanna see Nancy?”

“ No, of course not! It’s my dad. You know him.”

A sigh escaped his lips as he cursed before almost punching the window.

“ Damnit Heather! You owe me this much for what you almost did.”

“ Excuse me?!” I asked.

“ Nancy’s got Randy’s phone. That has all the conversations between me and Randy regarding the leaked images of you. She’s threatening to give it to the principal by Friday. You have to get it for me okay?”

“ What?!” I asked in shock. “ I can’t!”

“ She’s your friend damnit! All you have to do is steal it. Is that so hard?” he asked.

I shook my head.

“ Good, I knew I could trust you baby.” He said before cupping my face and kissing me again. 

I didn’t move. I was in some deep shit.

“ Take me home now Zero!” I said in anger.

He slapped me across the face quickly and grabbed my hair. I could taste the blood in my mouth.

I was bleeding.

“ Getting confident are we now Heather? Huh bitch?”

“ Why are you doing this to me?!!” I screamed in tears, blood running down my nose.

“ Why do you keep hurting me?!”

“…because…” he said between his teeth. “ Damnit!” before letting go of my hair and running his hands through his dark blonde hair.

“ I’M NOT HURTING YOU! Okay? You’re the one who is always lying to me Heather! Look at us! We’re always fighting and do you want to know why?”

I stuttered.

“ You! You always let everyone come between us Heather! You’re just a filthy liar, that’s all you are, and I’m trying to teach you better. Don’t you see?”

“ By beating me up?!”

“ Beating you up? Oh Heather! You really think you’re a victim don’t you? This is all your doings. You’re the one doing this to yourself baby.”

He then yanked the purple t-shirt that I was wearing.

I pushed the door open and walked out with my bag pack.

I then slammed it shut and walked away, the wind blowing my blonde hair into my face.

Tears ran down my face as I dragged my feet, heading home.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Where stories live. Discover now