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I watched as Khia walked away until she disappeared from my sight.

My cheek still hurt from her slap but I didn’t care. I just didn’t. All I could think about was having her in my bed again. I longed for her honestly.

“ Wow! You two are really getting comfortable! I’m impressed!”

Rue’s annoying voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

“ You’re annoying you know that?” I said to her.

She laughed weirdly. “ Oh Cyprian!”

“ Geez what’s up with you?!”

“ I’m just watching out for a friend okay? You can’t just fuck her and expect me not to be involved okay?”

“ Friend? Really?” I asked her.

She moved closer to me that I could actually see her green eyes from under her glasses.

“ You’re just desperate to fuck, that’s your problem Cee, look at yourself, you’re horny.” She whispered, touching my shoulder gently.

I gasped and moved backwards.
She laughed weirdly again and bit her lower lip.

What was wrong with this girl?! Why was she tormenting me like this?

“ Fuck off!” I finally said before walking away from her quickly.

She was just a distraction! A snake. I had to warn Khia about her when I got the chance to talk to her again.

The bell then rang and the hallway was overcrowded again.

Students were all rushing to go home and I was feeling the same thing.

I hurried to my car and found Nancy standing outside, smoking from a cigarette.

She felt my presence and quickly threw it inside one of the plant pots before fixing her school jacket.

“ We’re going home already?” she asked me.

“ Yeah.” I answered before walking past her.

I needed to take a puff as well. My body needed the nicotine.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Where stories live. Discover now