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The sound of the ambulance siren filled the school as all the students stood near the windows, watching the paramedics push the stretcher inside the wailing vehicle. One of the students had almost died.

“ I heard it was Khia. She almost fell over the window.” One girl said.

“ Khia?” asked Cyprian, from the other window. “ Are you saying that Khia is the one that they pushed into the ambulance?”

A pang of guilt overwhelmed me. I had snapped at him in the morning after Zero had punched the crap out of me. My eyes continued to stare out of the window. What was happening to everyone?

The exploding of the lights had freaked everyone out as it was already. Now, a student was taken by the ambulance?

“ Okay settle down please! Everyone, back to your seats!” Mrs Smith yelled from the background. I quickly turned around and walked towards my seat.

I sat down and looked at the mean teacher before us.

“ I have unfortunate news, due to the fault in the lighting, the school has decided to let you go home immediately today.” She spoke.

Everyone inside the class cheered happily, some high-fiving each other and hugging.

“ Take all of your belongings and leave the building peacefully and orderly.” She concluded before walking out of the class.

“ Well that’s great!” I muttered. So much for waking up in the morning! Quickly, I grabbed my books and put them inside my bag before making my way to the exit.

I expected Cyprian to call me and tell me to wait for him but it didn’t happen.

He was silent and that worried me.

Chaos welcome me as I walked down the hallway, heading for the exit.

The smell of sweaty bodies, perfume, bubble gum and cigarettes entered my nostrils as I pushed my way forward, grunting and swearing.
It was a disaster! The school was like a hell hole!

Finally, the fresh air welcomed me as I walked out of the building. The sun dazzled me as I put my hand over my eyes, shielding me from the blinding light.

“ Dexter!” the familiar voice yelled as I turned around and saw the tanned girl with freckles over her nose and a fringe over her forehead.

“ Nancy,” I said. “ Where is she? Is she okay?”

“ She’s fine. Thank you for standing up for her,”

I smiled shortly.

“ Take care of yourself okay?” she said again.

“ I will,” I said in confidence. “ I promise,”

She smiled shortly before turning around and walking away. I watched her walk out of the school and that was when Heather appeared behind one of the trees in a line. I watched as they walked down the road.

At least they were alright, a wide smile appeared on my face as I stretched my arms. I felt like a hero.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Where stories live. Discover now