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“ Hey Cyprian!” the girl with curly, long hair spoke as she looked at me.

“ Hi…”

“ My name’s Rue, I’m Khia’s BFF.” She introduced herself.

“ Okay?”

“ Yeah, so I know about the both of you.”

“ You do?! What do you mean?” I asked, looking around before looking at her.

She poked my chest with her pointy finger.

“ Everything. No need to panic okay?Your secret is safe with me. No one has to know. If you do something for me.”

“ Are you blackmailing me?”

“ No silly!” she laughed weirdly. “ You are so funny!”

“ What do you want?” I asked her solemnly.

“ Well, since you asked! The thing is…we want to do something fun on the day of the stupid Drug Awareness thingy. We need someone who can get us liquor inside the school.”

“ Hell no! Why haven’t you asked Khia?”

“ .. because, she’ll be occupied by that time. She has to distract the teachers and you and I can sneak in the booze.” She explained.

“ I can’t, I won’t okay?”

“ Come on Cyprian! I thought that you were cool! Don’t you love Khia huh?”

“ What does that have to do with anything?” I snapped.

“ This could make her happy you see?”

“ No way Rue, or whatever your name is. I’m not going to be your minion okay? Screw Khia if she doesn’t like that!” I then moved pass her, heading for my car.

“ Well that sucks! I am the one who talked some sense into Khia in the first place! The reason you got to even fuck her!” she yelled from behind.

What was wrong with this girl?! I turned around and viciously looked at her.

“ It’s not an achievement, she lets anyone fuck her on the first date!” she continued.

I rushed over to her and roughed her up. “ Just shut the fuck up!”

“ What? Are you hurt? Huh lover boy? Let me Go!” she said before moving my hands from her jersey.

“ You’re not a human!” I said to her, “ You’re a monster!”

“ Am  I ? You’re the bigger monster here Cyprian. Poor Dexter needed you at the restroom but you never came! So much for a buddy!” she then moved backwards before turning around and walking away.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Where stories live. Discover now