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I happily hummed one of my favorite songs as I sat before the table, eating cereal.

My cellphone buzzed and I quickly grabbed it to check who it was.

My face fell once I realized that somebody had posted a video of Zero, the class B bully hitting the cheerleader Captain and some tall boy with curly hair.

Why were people so rude and inhumane? To post such content!

“ Morning Nova,” mom’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

“ Morning mom!”

“ Someone is in a good mood!”

I smiled shortly. If only she knew!
“ Want to go anywhere today?” she asked me.

“ Uh…not really!” I said, “ I’m tired.”

She nodded and sat down next to me.

“ I was thinking, how about you write a list of things that you want to do this year?”

“ Like a bucket list?” I asked.

“ No, but a to-do list. I had one when I was your age.”

I nodded. “ Okay. What should I even write?”

“ Firstly is you have to go to prom,” she said with a smile. “ I’ll get you glass slippers if I have to.”

My eyes opened wider in shock! “ Really?! You would do that?!”

“ Yes,”

“ I love you Mom,” I said and she blew a kiss at me before standing up and walking out of the kitchen.

I quickly grabbed my phone and went to my diary. I began to make my list.

• Go to prom.

• Ride a horse.

• Go to the cinema with someone my age.

• Have a boyfriend.

• Kiss my boyfriend just like in the movies.

What else? I would have to think about it along the course of the week.

I needed to have at least ten points. This was my life, I had to live it up.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin