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Monday, the most dreadful day of the week.

It seems to come faster than the other days just to bring pain to us high scholars.

Suspense filled the air as everyone stared at the principal.

“ Cyber bullying, one of the most intolerable offenses.

It was brought to the school’s attention that there is an ongoing problem within this class.” The principal began.

I looked at Heather. She sat rigid, not daring to move.

“ A video of this school is circulating around the internet, showing one of you beating up two victims in the school hallway. Zero, Heather and Dexter please stand up.”

Shit! I was sweating already. Slowly, I rose to my feet and tried to put on a straight face.

Zero and Heather also stood up.

“ Also, I know about the photos of this young woman that have been circulating around the website as well. Listen to me carefully, bullying is a serious offense. I will punish anyone who has committed that offense.”

The class suddenly became a morgue.

“ With that said, I want you three to follow me to my office. If anyone has some information, please report to your class teachers at once.”

After that, we followed him out of the class and into the office.

The sound of the analogue clock on the wall ticking seemed to deafen me as I sat on the cold chair, hands on my knees.

“ You’re not gonna say anything, right Heather?” Zero began.

“ I don’t know.” Heather replied.

“ Does it matter?”

“ If you’re going to be the reason I quit school , yes.” He replied.

“ You embarrassed me in front of the world. You and Randy. Why should I forgive you?!”

“ I…I’m sorry. I was angry when I found out that you were two timing me. You know how crazy I am with you!” he explained,

“ Possessive you mean?”

“ I love you Heather. You know that too. Are you really going to let them finish me like this?!”

I looked at them both. She was not going to forgive him was she?!

He was clearly Lying, even I could see that!

Zero was just trying to save his own skin here!

“ No one’s really taught me how to love someone you see, I’ve had to learn it by myself. You know how messed up my family is. I just…I’m trying to be a better person Heather. Please don’t give up on us.”

The wolf begged, forcing tears from his eyes.

Suddenly the principal walked inside and sat down before us.

“ So, are you ready to talk?” he asked.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora