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My heart seemed to beat it’s way out of my chest as I walked out of my mom’s car and entered the school building. It was a new day but it felt like déjà vu.

Everything just felt so familiar, like I had lived this day before.

That was when I spotted some of the basketball players standing next to the entrance.

I decided I was going to approach them, I couldn’t be the mascot. They needed to know. My legs felt heavy with every step I took as I reached them finally.

“ Hi guys,” I said out loud.

They turned to look at me.

“ I can’t be Elfie,” I said in confidence.

“ Geez Dexter, what’s wrong with you? Randy is at the ICU and all you care about is not being Elfie!” one of them spoke.

“ What?”

“ Didn’t you hear? Somebody bashed him over the head with a steel bat. He’s at the ICU.”

My insides turned cold immediately. I couldn’t believe it!
“ When did that all happen?!” I asked,

“ Nobody knows, all we know is he was found unconscious at the side of the back street by some drunkard.”

“ They took his phone too.” One added.

I slowly walked pass them and entered the school building. It was still early and the hallway was not as crowded as it was most of the time. Who could do this to Randy?

Yes he was an asshole but…

“ Dexter,” Cyprian said from behind as he put his hand around my shoulder.

“ Have you heard?” I asked him.

“ Yeah dude I did.”

“ They almost killed him,” I said in worry.

“ Yes, very sad…. Anyways you won’t believe it! I drove Khia home yesterday.” He said in excitement.

“ Khia? You mean the nasty girl who always makes fun of other kids” I asked. “ The bully?”

“ Yeah, except that she is not that bad. Dude, I think that she likes me!”

“ Yeah of course!” I said in sarcasm. “ What if she doesn’t and you’re overreacting?”

“ Just like how you like Heather who doesn’t know that you exist?” he asked. “ I heard she’s trans,”

“ Cyprian! Don’t say that!”

“ Okay, I’m joking! You don’t have to be all serious.”

“ Oh hey! Look…” I said as I pointed at the little blonde girl who walked towards one of the lockers. We both watched as she struggled with opening the door.

Her hands shook terribly and her forehead frowned.
“ She looks much worse now,” I whispered.

“ What do you mean?” Cyprian asked.

Before I could utter a word, the violent shouting could be heard outside as Zero walked inside.

Heather appeared seconds later, screaming vulgar words at him. We all watched in confusion.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum