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“ Hey! Where do you think you’re going?!” Zero asked me as I walked towards the hallway.

I quickly turned around and followed him. I was screwed. 

As we walked to the boy’s restroom, I prayed for somebody to save but no one came.

The sound of the restroom door opening filled the room as I walked inside the cold room. There were a few people inside the room as well.

Two girls who I knew were in class A, Rue and Khia along with two of Randy’s friends and the whole Zero gang.

“ Remember, no taking videos!” Zero spoke.

“ Aw that sucks!” Khia said, leaning on the wall.

“ We don’t want another bullying incident do we?” One of Zero’s friends said.

“ Take off that bag,” Zero ordered me. I did as told quickly. My hands were shaking already.

He then moved closer to me before slapping me. There was laughter from the other students.

“ Manipulative, me? Huh?” he asked.

“ What? He said that?” asked Rue.

“ Yeah. Can you believe it?” Zero replied before slapping me again.

“ Piece of shit!”

“ Come on, fight him! This is boring!” another boy complained.

He pushed me backwards and I fell on my bottom.

“ This is boring!” Khia said, “ Boo!”

“ Get up loser! Fight back!”

“ Get up!” Rue yelled. “ Get the fuck up!”

I pushed my body up and he punched me and sent me to the floor again. There was laughter from the other students.

Tears ran down my face as I groaned. He kicked me multiple times, cursing none stop.

“ Get up bitch!” he demanded. “ Get up, fight me coward! The principal won’t protect you now!”

“ I’m sorry!” I cried out loud.

“ Please stop!”

“ Too late!”  yelled Rue.

Zero grabbed me by my hair and threw me at the wall. I hit my nose and cried bitterly.

He then kicked me on my back and I fell flat on the floor.

“ Get up!”

I struggled to get up, crying terribly.

“ Stay away from Heather!” he ordered before walking pass me.

“ Show’s over!”

“ Well that was fun!” they spoke as I struggled to the sink. Blood ran down my nose.

“ Clean yourself up dude!” one boy spoke before they all walked out laughing and cheering.

ANTISOCIAL: Season One Where stories live. Discover now