|Mycroft + Sebastian| Jealousy Headcanons

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|Mycroft Holmes|

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|Mycroft Holmes|

-Mycroft is more protective, but he doesn't make it obvious that he's jealous.

-He trusts you completely. But he will glare at anyone who makes an inappropriate comment about you.

-Any guy who compliments you, he'll proudly smile at you.

-But if the guy's looking at you sleazily, he'll shield you from his eyes and throws a warning look.

-If they try to touch you? He'll grab the man's hand, almost crushing it, warning him with a matching death glare.

-But when Sherlock decides to mess around with him?

-This man is silently FUMING.

-Mycroft loves the fact that you and his brother get along so well.

-But his brother can be a little menace sometimes that loves getting on his nerves.

-Sherlock knows how to press his brother's buttons, and you just think Sherlock is just being Sherlock.

-Mycroft is quietly grumbling to himself while trying to focus on his tea or newspaper.

-But when he's had enough of his brother's antics, he will pull you away and just maybe stand closer to you than usual... and hold your hand the whole way.

|Sebastian Moran|

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|Sebastian Moran|

-He's always close to you or has physical contact with you when you're out.

-Hand on your waist, holding hands, arm in arm, anything, honestly, so no one really made a move on you.

-He doesn't mind if someone compliments you respectfully, even teasing you that you're too gorgeous for your own good.

-But when someone does approach you and flirts, making you uncomfortable, he'll just walk up to the person and looks at him from head to toe.

-His giant stature is enough to scare practically anyone away.

-But when someone gets handsy with you, he gets punchy with them.

-At bars, you're either sitting next to him or on his lap, making sure no one gets the wrong idea.

-One time a drunk touched your thigh, and Sebastian smacked the man's head upside down, knocking him out cold on the floor.

-You two never stay at bars where a drunk tried to make a move on you.

-If a guy who harassed you was a target? He better pray Sebastian's not included in the mission.

-He will make it his personal mission to make him suffer during his last moments.

-He takes his time, making each shot count, and making the target as terrified and close to death as possible before delivering the finishing blow.


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