Chapter 2. The Date

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"you went out with who?!" Laura busted on the other side of my phone. She sounded angry, not the reaction I was expecting from her. She knew how long av crushed on Luna.
"as I said we just went to have coffee. She was actually sweet to me"
"sweet? Caleb are you telling me that after three years, she comes out of nowhere and asks a guy she never noticed for a coffee? Are you serious?"
Yes she had a point I know but come on. This was my one time chance to get to talk to Luna and I wasn't gonna waste it.

"that's more of a reason to go out with her, she came to me, not the other way round. Am the unpopular one here"
"the fact that you seeing all of this with a blind eye is killing me, you will regret this you know"
"I know, but it's not like she will be my girlfriend. I mean come on, I bet she just wanted someone out of her Social group to hang out with"

But the message I got later that night proved my assumptions wrong.

Hey. It's Luna. Thank you for keeping me company today. If you would like to go out again, I would love it. See you tomorrow at school.

My hear was beating outside of my chest I was sure. We are talking about the girl who had a lot of friends, who fit in anywhere she goes. She loved my company? Me? Caleb Cooper? I was truly visiting a rainbow tonight.

Hie, I liked your company as well and I would love to talk to you again. See you tomorrow.

I didn't want to sound cheezy so I pressed send. I didn't believe this was happening to poor old me. The guy with zero social skills and no car. Me?.

The next day Luna joined our table during lunch hour which sent murmers all over the cafeteria. I knew this was going to be the new hot gossip on campus gossip groups. But I didn't care. I even noticed how Laura asked Luna a bunch of questions. It was basically an interrogation. But dear nice Luna answered all her questions. Including the one that caught my attention.

"why Caleb?" Laura asked "you could talk to anyone at this campus, why Caleb"

"I asked myself the same thing" Lana started "at first I just saw him around the library, he usually talked with the librarian. And I could see how open minded he was with everyone he talked to. It caught my attention. Most of the people I chill with are fake, they don't really say what they want to say. But Caleb, I don't know. During the science fair last year, he really left an impression. "

Even I was caught off guard. She knew me since last year. How come she never talked to me all this time? Not that it mattered. What mattered was that she knew me. Poor old me was on her mind before, that was enough to make me float on cloud nine.

But my best friend wasn't buying it. She still asked her a bunch of questions.
"I understand that you are being protective of him, but you can trust me"

That was all it took to melt my heart away. I don't think I would have listened if anyone had said stay away from her.

"are you free this weekend?" my stupid mouth opened on its own and I gasped closing it with my left hand as I was using my right hand to eat. Luna smiled at me while Laura glared at me as if she was seeing a six foot hole on my forehead. I shrugged her off and looked at Luna. Her smile capturing me and taking me to places u didn't know existed.

"if it's a date then yes, am free this weekend" she simply replied capturing a piece of apple between her white teeth. Gosh everything about her was perfect.

"then it's a date" am sure my smile was way too wide to fit my entire face. I couldn't believe my luck. I just became the luckiest man alive.

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