CHAPTER 33. Boyfriend?

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Caleb cooper

"Uuggghhhh" I groaned as I tried to turn because my whole body ached painfully. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me backwards to a firm but warm body. I tried to pry my eyes open but they felt so heavy.

"shhhh ... Go back to sleep kitten..." The deep voice vibrated in my ears, then soft lips were pressed on my neck.

"It hu..rts" gosh is that my voice for real? I can't recognize my own voice with how hoarse it sounds.

"I know... Sleep more"

He didn't need to tell me a third time, I felt myself drift back to sleep, but not before my ears picked on something he was saying, though I couldn't make out the words. The only thing I heard was " sorry" before the darkness full engulfed my mind.



"Just a little bit more mum please..." I pulled the sheets over my head and turned to the other side, groaning in the process, but not waking up nonetheless. I felt the bed dip beside me and the sheet was yanked from me forcedly.

"Gosh mum!"

"Do I look like your mother boy!" I very familiar voice shouted which made me abruptly open my eyes and meet the dark brown ones.

"Laura?" My eyes couldn't believe it. I blinked but still she stood there, knee on the bed, sheets in her hand and looking really pissed off. "Hie?"

"Hie? Really?" She threw the sheets in my face "get your ass up, you've been sleeping all day, your mum has been calling you"

My eyes turned to the window and she was right, it was already getting dark outside. Then I looked on the other half of the bed, empty. "Umm, where is ... Where is nic?"

"Hit and run" I looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

She sighed "He left, why do you think am here?"

Now that she mentioned it, what was Laura doing in the city? And why was I waking up to see her? What did she mean nic left? This is his damn house.

"Why are you here?"

"He called me to come take care of you, said you weren't feeling fine. I should have known he meant he fucked you pretty hardcore" she raised her eyebrow while eyeing me up and down.

I let the information sink in, taking me a few seconds to process all that. My face hit up right away and I choked on nothing. WTF!

I looked at myself, I was wearing pants but my top was naked, full of bite marks and red marks making my whole head heat up. The memories of the morning rushed through my whole body to my slow brain. Sex. I slept with Nicholas. I did it with Nicholas. I....

"Oh God" I don't think tears have ever rolled down my cheeks so fast in my entire life. What the hell? Why am I crying?

"Shit hey ...Cay" she sat on the bed and took my hand "hey calm down" she pulled me into a hug as I began hyperventilating, I was having a panic attack. Why am I panicking? Why am I crying? Why is Laura here? Where is Nicholas? He left? He really did? Why?

"Caleb babe calm down, shhh it's fine calm down. Am right here shhhh" she kept saying soft soothing words as she rubbed my back and my head repeatedly till I was calming down slowly. I pushed her away a little so I was looking at her face.

"You ok?" She asked

"Yeah, am sorry about that, things just rushed up to me"

"Why are you apologizing, idiot? You have panic attacks all the time "

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