Chapter 6. Pretty?

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Christian Nicholas Brisknberg

"are you set?" Rita asked me as I came downstairs for breakfast. I saw Bruno and gore sleeping on the living room.
"I am, it's going to be very long weeks" 
"but a successful one I hope"
"I hope so too"

I gave her a light peck on the cheek before sitting on the chair and stuffing my face with pancakes. Rita always made the best pancakes, not that she was bad at anything else, nope. She was a chef before she became part of the Brisknberg family.

I then went back to my room to get my suitcase. It was almost time to leave. I was leaving for a three weeks project in washvilke. That's were my main house is, where I had trusted Luna to stay so that she could be near the college. If she stayed here, she would need to drive 8 hours every day to get to college, even I wouldn't manage that.
I got the suitcase and the laptop bag then headed downstairs.
James was already here.
"good morning sir" he greeted taking the suitcase from me.
"good morning James"
I got the two chains from the cabinet "come here boys!"  and the two monsters acted as if they weren't sleeping at all. Wagging there tails with their tongues out. I smiled and attached the chains to their collars that had their names on. James got the chains too and went outside to wait for me.
I smiled at Rita and she gave me a hug.
"I am not leaving for good Rita" I chuckled. She just smiled "look after yourself, don't miss any meals"
"I won't, bye now"

And after that I went outside. James was standing outside the car. Gore and Bruno were in a different car which was already pulling out of the driveway. As much as I loved them, I didn't want to reach home smelling like dog. I got in the car, James closed my door then went to the driver sit. In 5 minutes we were already on the way to the airport.
No, I wasn't gonna sit for six hours in a car when I had a private jet thank you very much.

The city was very much alive when we passed through it to get to the airport. The letters 'WELCOME TO BRISKNBERG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT' were so big you couldn't miss them. It was one the largest airports in the  country even though it was only opened 6 years ago. We drove past the private gates  that was only for the stuff and went straight to black jet standing magnificently in all its glory. It costed me a fortune to get this baby and another fortune to get it in black ink. But it was worth it.

The other car had already arrived as I could see Bruno and gore jumping about. Once they saw me they run straight to me and I patted their head.
"good morning Mr Brisknberg" a female voice caused me to turn. It was Natalie, my airport manager. She looked as good as ever in her black trousers, well ironed blouse and a coffee jacket. But she could lose the heels, she was already tall enough. I smiled at her.
"you know we could lose the honorifics right Natalie? "
"just doing my job perfectly Mr Brisknberg" she made an emphasis on the name this time. But she smiled either way and gave me a handshake which I was OK with considering this university friend of mine was married.
"how is he?" I asked looking at the little bump on the stomach. I will have to be interviewing a new manager soon.
"why does everyone think it's a boy? You and that prick can go to hell"
"uuuh that mouth of yours. We wouldn't want her being with you all the time that's why we are hoping it's a boy."
"yeah right, then why don't you carry him yourself huh?"
I chuckled and bidded her goodbye. I got into the plane and settled down just as Bruno and gore went to their dog puddles. They have been in this plane for most times to know exactly what to do.
James sat at the far end going straight to sleep. He must have been really busy last night with his lover. I always told him he could bring her along but this guy never listens. Saying she is a distraction.

Within minutes we were ready for take off.

The meetings took all of my energy away by the time I was finished on Friday. I couldn't handle another meeting. I could use a long nap with sleeping music.
"sir, you have a guest" James said peeping his head through the huge doors to my office. I looked at him, I didn't have any other appointments. "it's just Mr Lukas, he says..."
Before he could finish his sentence the doors busted open revealing my tall bestfriend, Turner Lukas.
"Nick! What a way to treat your man!" he was already sitted on my side table the next second. "you cold hearted man! I had to hear from the news that you were in town" he faked a sob and I just stared at him. His gay ass was starting to get the better of him.
"I was busy" I simply said with my business voice
"don't pull that crap with me Nick, a call wouldn't take hours." I knew I should have called him but it really didn't cross my mind. I just wanted to finish the project fast and go back home.
"I believe you don't want that call now that you are here"
"you are so cold to me Nick, I wish I could hate you. But I love you so much" I frowned at him, how he could be like this I don't know. "and today am not taking no for an answer, you are coming with me"
"am not hearing you! You are coming with me to say sorry to me."
I just slumped in my chair. Knowing Turner wasn't going to listen to anything I was going to say. "fine, what is it?"
"thats the spirit, there is a friend of mine who is throwing a party at the club, everyone wants you there, it's been some time since we all saw you" he stood up and walked to the door. "you can't miss it" then he was gone just as fast as he came.
It was true though, I haven't been here in years, yet my life was here. All my university friends were here, apart from Natalie and her husband Eric who had agreed to move with me when I offered her the job.
I haven't seen anyone else since then. Only Turner because he is my best friend, he always calls to tell me his boyfriend problems and we would catch up every time he visited the capital, or if we had similar meetings.
Perhaps I should show up at his club and say a few hellos to everyone.
After work I went straight home, it was just 5 anyway. It seemed like aunt glory, the house cleaner had just left after feeding the boys. Because they were deep asleep on the living room. I just went upstairs to have a shower and change into a blue suit.
I know, a suit isn't something to wear to a club but I preferred it this way.
By 8 o'clock I was pulling my car to the private car park of the club where only vip members were allowed to pack. Plus there were different entrances to the vip floor and to the common floor. The common floor had vip booths but they weren't as important as this one. I went inside just to be ingulfed in a hot heat. I wondered how the ones on the bottom floor were feeling if the floor with so many air conditioning.

"Nicholas!" fuck I hate it when someone mentions my name like it's an English name. They could mention Christian if they wanted to. But I smiled either way, and there sitted were a bunch of my old friends. It felt like I was 20 again. I walked over to them and everyone seemed to have a welcoming smile on them. There were others I didn't know as well, a bunch of girls and boys (see the sarcasm?).
"hey guys who missed nick?!" Turner shouted shaking a bottle of champagne then opening it so that it splashed all over the place and everyone cheered. "welc back man!"
"it's good to be back" and I meant it. I didn't realise how much I missed this life with everyone. Now my life was full of work, work and family and meetings. This was different.
I sat down and right away there were two girls on my either side which I didn't appreciate but didn't show it. Girls, flings or whatever of the sort was not my thing and Turner knew that so he shooed them away and sat next to me handing me a cup of martini.

"you haven't changed a bit have you?" Scott asked me from the other side of the table with his hand inside a girl's blouse, if I could even call it that. She giggled while she scooted over to him.
"I have grown up" I sarcastically said with a smile "and I see you haven't changed either, still can't keep those hands to your self"
And everyone laughed while agreeing with me that Scott was nothing but a horny playboy. That started a whole Lotta conversations and before I knew it, I was on my forth cup of martini and Turner was no longer beside me, instead he was groping some little boy on another sit. It seemed everyone was likely drunk, slightly drunk or tipsy and things were starting to get heated.

Yeah, this is how I remembered my past, a lot of parties and a lot of sex. But right now, just didn't feel right. So I stood up and went to stand at the edge where it was enclosed with a grass panel so that you could see the bottom dance floor and counter.
I let my eyes wonder around the dance floor, seeing people lost in their own world of music and heated bodies. Then my eyes went to the counter, there weren't a lot of people there, just the barman who seemed to be talking to another guy, a girl with black hair who seemed too close to the guy, another guy was sitted at a distance calling at the barman.
I saw the barman's fingers linger a little more than necessary when he handed a drink to the other guy before turning to attend to the other customers.
I don't even know why I was paying attention to this but I didn't seem to be looking away either. The girl leaned in to the guy and whispered something in his ear before walking away. My eyes followed her to another guy whom she hugged and kissed. What? I thought she was with the small guy on the counter, typical club moments. I turned back to the guy but what I didn't expect was the guys eyes to turn to me right away and I flinched, but I didn't look away. Possibly because I was mesmerized by how pretty the boy was. And to my surprise, he didn't look away as well. Even at a distance I could see him clearly.

Did I just think of a guy as pretty? My senses kicked in and I run my hand through my hair but at the same time the barman tugged on the boy and he finally looked away from me. I let out a heavy sigh that I didn't even know I was holding. I haven't had such a reaction to someone in a long time, in fact I have never had such a reaction to a guy before, it was a man!

I huffed and went to grab another cup and chugged it in one go. Was I sexually frustrated? Maybe. Or else there is no way I would think a guy was pretty. As much as I was ok with Turner's sexuality, it was annoying that it was rubbing off me.

And just at the right moment a girl walked to me and stood in front of me. She had a mature look on her but I could tell she wasn't that old, probably still a college student, with red firerly hair that seemed to stand out. Her brown eyes didn't do justice to her though, but she was really pretty either way. 'not as that guy though' I thought. I almost face palmed myself for thinking that, and without much thought, my hand went behind the girls head and I pulled her forward and crashed my lips on hers.

Anything to get my mind of what I was thinking of, and gladly she didn't push me away, instead she deepened the kiss like her life depends on it.
I let go of her after some time and looked at her, she was panting and her red lips were swollen. I smiled.

"what is your name?" I asked her
"Loretta" she said with a smile plastered on her face.
"well Loretta, would you like a drink?"
"I could use one"
I smiled and called the barman and in no time we both had drinks in our hands. She seemed like a chilled person but my mind kept wondering about to something I wasn't proud of.

Pretty? Seriously?

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