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Caleb cooper

Am panicking!

Am panicking oh God am panicking. Did I say am panicked? Yes, and am still panicking.

Just 5 hours ago;

"Hey Caleb, want to go out with me and Nathan?" Marcus asked after I turned for the fifth time while I kept switching the channels. The true definition of boredom. And it's hot!

I looked at him "where?"

"I don't know, we haven't hanged since we came you know. Let's have a bro time"

And it's true, I haven't really given Marcus any time, since I have actually been avoiding him. He is my brother in law, I don't know what to talk to him about. But I couldn't run today, dad and mum went to some gathering and Charlotte left with her friends. Marcus was stuck baby sitting while I just had nowhere to go, with Stephan avoiding me like a plague. It's annoying.

"Okay, sure" I agreed, it's better than being stuck at home anyway. Plus from the past week, I came to know that Marcus is a really chilled guy. You couldn't hate him.

"Cool, I will go check if Nathan is awake"

"Then I will go change"

I made it upstairs to my room just to find my phone blinking. I even forgot I have a phone. I picked it and my eyes almost popped out of my sockets.

I had 7 missed calls, from nic. His words flicked in my mind 'i call, you pick up' I dialed his number right away.

"Took your sweet time kitten" his voice giving off his annoyance.

"I wasn't ignoring you" my lips found themselves saying that. "I was just downstairs" I sat on the bed

"For minute I thought you wanted me to come and punish the sense into you kitten"

I swallowed my own saliva. Punishment. The word lingered in my mind sending invisible chills down my spine. Punishment from Nicholas.

"Kitten... What are you thinking about?" My face has never burned this hot before as he brought me back from my thoughts.

"Nothing!" Shit alwhy am I shouting. He chuckled knowingly. "What are you doing?" I changed the subject .

"Constantly thinking about you" I could feel that he was smirking on the other side of this phone knowing he made my face ripe like a tomato. "I miss you"


"Am free tonight, let's go have dinner together"

Is he gonna act like he didn't say anything to blow my mind away? Seriously? How am I supposed to function right now? You piece of shit!



"Great, James will pick you up at 7, just have a few things to take care of"


"I will see you later"


I sighed.

Threw my head on the bed.

Covered my eyes.


I think my brain has stopped working cause I can't think of anything else apart from his three words. How can he just say that and act like he didn't. Messing with my mind like that.

"Shit nic, I miss you too"

"Let's go!" Marcus scram from downstairs and I jumped up, throwing on whatever I found first in the locker, running downstairs and pushing the Brisknberg billionaire to the back of my head.

MY LITTLE KITTEN(man*boy)Where stories live. Discover now