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Caleb cooper

So that's the fiancé? Damn man. At least if he could be any less good looking, I would feel a bit better. But now I seemed like nothing in front of such a manly figure, the guy was bigger, and better in every way. Why would she even need to cheat on such a man? But now I feel like shit. I looked at Stephan who was already looking at me with sympathy, I just gave him a forced smile. But he knew me too well, he patted my head and rubbed my hand which was still in his.

"Are you ok? We can leave" he whispered in my ear and I didn't fail to notice the look Turner exchanged with Scott with a scowl on his face then they both looked at me. Am sure I had a questioning look on my face but I forced my self to look at Steph.

"Am fine don't worry, have fun ok" I whispered back assuring him by rubbing him hand as well. And I was serious about that, I wasn't going to let Steph waste this chance of drinking expensive booze just because I was an emotional wreck. And with that Steph paid me no mind, turning to his boys and started talking about things I didn't want to listen to, but he made sure to keep his hand locked with mine and turn to me after three to four sips of his cup. He even managed to get me a cocktail and hand it to me, sipping it first to check if it was ok. Don't judge me, I was used to this kind of treatment from Steph, so it came naturally to him to treat me like a kid although this is the first time I actually paid attention to how much touchy Steph was with me.

"Caleb, baby come sit with me for a minute will ya?" Turner said with a stern voice after I received the cup from Steph. I almost wouldn't recognize him if he didn't have his face. He sounded like a strict parent scolding their son.

"Turner, you can't hit on Caleb" Luna joked "he is off limits"

"Oh, he knows know he is off limits" Jason said laughing "way I would like to see his face if Turner was hitting on him" now both Jason and Scott were laughing earning glares from me and turner but I know my glare was ineffective considering how red my face was. I knew what he was talking about, he wasn't referring to me at all.

"you should have seen his face when I did it" Scott continued "I swear I would have died"

"you asked for it!" Turner said within laughs and they continued joking about it

"you know them too?" Dylan asked sounding totally wasted "screw you Steph for hiding him from us for so long!" he whined like a child wanting a lollipop making me laugh. I never thought about how I actually turned to know such big people, I mean these were one of the most famous and rich people in the country and I knew them, even if I couldn't consider them my friends yet but I knew them, and they knew me. That was something. I don't think they were friends with just anyone, because even if you looked around the room, apart from our table you could see that the faces were the ones found in magazines.

"even am wondering about that" Julian spoke for the first time since we got here, he was only talking to Luna in low voices. "these don't just befriend anyone. Caleb tell me if you are in danger"

"you know we never hurt the cute ones Julian" Scott teased "we are good like that, right caleb?"

"shut up" gosh they were making me feel so small that I was almost hiding behind Steph who seemed not to care about what was going on at all. "you..." the door opened making everyone's face turn that direction and my jaw almost dropped. God what was he doing here? I really thought he wouldn't show up at all. Well, no one had mentioned him at all, apart from the past jokes.

My eyes didn't leave him when he scanned the whole room till his blue eyes fell on mine, captivating me even more than ever. Was it ok for someone to look that good? Was it even legal? He looked like the first time I met him. Shirt sleeves rolled up, a few loose buttons revealing his inked perfect chest looking like a mafia boss and hands in pockets. The only difference was that his hair was a mess this time, like he just woke up and he looked a bit tired. But still so good looking, God I was whipped.

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