Chapter 18. Fucked Up

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Christian Nicholas Brisknberg

I left the shirt for him on the bed after I realized I wasn't going to bring him out of the bathroom.
What did I do wrong? One minute am kissing him and the next am on the floor and he is panicking. I know this was too much for him to settle in just a small time. I was going to talk to him this morning but the urge to kiss him was so strong I couldn't hold back. I hadn't meant to make him feel rushed. Damn even I didn't want to rush into all this, whatever this is. But I had to admit that kissing him felt right, I didn't feel repulsed by it, instead I wanted more. I must have scared him like that, I should have eased into it.

I hit the wall as soon as I closed the bedroom door and growled from the pain.

"if you are trying to bring my house down you have to have a cheque written"
I turned, Turner was getting outside his room as well and he leaned on the wall staring at me. The room I always sleep in was right next to turners room.

"bad night?" he asked

"bad morning"

"want to talk about it?"


"OK, then let's go have breakfast. You still have a guest at my house Nicholas"

Shit! Loretta.
I had seriously forgotten about her. Did she sleep here as well? Damn am trash. I brought a lady to a party and I disappeared to make out with someone else? Turner just shook his head to show his disapproval of my actions then off he went.
I didn't mean to treat her like that. Loretta was such a nice girl and she didn't deserve what I did to her, twice. I had promised her a great night yesterday just to ruin it because I couldn't make a decision. I knew I was hurting Caleb as well with my indecisiveness.

I followed Turner downstairs and saw a bunch of people, some expected and some not. Scott was talking to two girls sitting opposite Jason. I remembered I had acted like a dick towards Scott last night, I didn't have the right to claim Caleb like that when I was like this. But I knew Scott wouldn't mind, I bet he even found something else with too legs last night to drag to his room.

Louis was with a girl I recognized from yesterday, she was with Caleb. What was she still doing here? Was she one of his friends?
She looked at me as I made my entrance and gave me a stare. I flinched, not understanding why. Now that I looked at her in the light, she was really pretty, not my type but pretty either way. Maybe she was Caleb's girlfriend, that's why she was glaring at me. But I knew Caleb had been dating my sister, just that my head was refusing to accept that I was the only trash around here.

Then my eyes were trailed to the beautiful redhead in the kitchen making something. She looked really comfortable in a shirt and shorts which I concluded as Louis'. There was no way any of my friends had small clothes. She didn't seem mad at all. Turner gave me another eye then went to sit next to the girl to roll her eyes. She then came to me.

"where is he?" she went straight to the point and I knew who she was asking about.
"don't know if I should tell you"
"am his bestfriend, Laura. Incase you forgot the name"
"oh yeah Laura" shit I felt like a total dick head. Then I realized what she said "bestfriend?"
"yeah, you don't have to look at me the way you do Mr Brisknberg"
I chuckled at the tease "you know?"
"Caleb didn't tell me if that's what you are asking. Louis did, he was just worried about him. Caleb has been acting a little off these past few weeks, now I know it was you"
"past few weeks?" that was news to me. Has Caleb been acting weird because of me? Was I affecting him as much as he affected me?
"is... Is he oky?" she was genuinely worried about him.
"can you go talk to him?" I didn't want Caleb to be left alone up there, who knows what he was doing in that bathroom.  "this morning he just... Flipped. He didn't want to talk to me"
She eyed me "do you like him?" I shuddered not expecting such a straightforward question. Did I like Caleb? I mean yes I was attracted to him but like? I like him?
"guess the silence means no then?" her face was no longer smiling, she had a 'watch out' expression.
"no... Wait"
"Caleb gets attracted to ass holes all the time, am not surprised even though the fact that you are a man caught me off guard"
"what do you mean?" she was pissing me off
"idiots like your sister" I flinched. I knew my sister was an idiot but no one had ever mentioned it to my face like that and hold no remorse that it was my sister they were insulting. "Caleb has a delicate heart, he is a sweetheart if you haven't noticed" she raised her hand to shut me up when I wanted to speak. Of course I knew caleb was a good boy. "he just trusts people so easily. Your sister left him broken, am not going to let you do the same to him. He has had enough of you Brisknbergs. I would like it if you made a decision before he gets broken again. Your girlfriend has been waiting for a while... "
She gave me one last glare before she run upstairs.

MY LITTLE KITTEN(man*boy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora