chapter 27. CONFESSION

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Caleb cooper

I swear today when I woke up I did not expect to find myself fidgeting with my fingers from how nervous I am of having one of the richest men in the country in my parent's kitchen, wearing a blue apron, helping my mum make lunch and laughing away with my father and Marcus over something.

This is definitely not how my day was supposed to go!

I looked at Stephan who was finding all this funny while playing with Nathan and Charlotte who apparently found a way to avoid cooking today and sit watching Dora the explorer. Aren't you a bit too old for that?

The way I had run downstairs with my flushed face left me gasping for air the moment I stopped in the living room and saw the tall man in a blue suit smiling at my mum. He even managed to flash me a smile when he turned to me.

"Oh Caleb, guess who is here? You didn't say we were having visitors today" my mum spoke up first.

Well that's because we weren't! "I must have forgotten to mention it" I forced a smile as Nicholas stood and walked to me, causing my heart to race at 180 per beat. I gulped so hard watching him and admitting to myself for the hundredth time that this man was a sculpture made for the museum.

"Hey Caleb..." His deep voice made me blink twice, still not registering that he was in front of me. What was he doing here? I don't remember ever giving him permission to show up at my place as he pleases. He is always doing whatever he likes and it's starting to tick me.

"Ni.... Mr Brisknberg what a pleasure to have you here" I scowled to make sure he knows I wasn't impressed at all.

He just chuckled and ruffled my hair which was already messy from before. And now that I think about it, I must look like shit from whatever happened with Steph upstairs! Plus I still had my morning clothes on, which by the way are not to be mentioned, ever.

"I thought I would stop by on my way to..." He stopped as a presence appeared behind me, his face expressionless. "oh, didn't think I would see you again"

"You know Stephan as well?" Charlotte asked passing us to go sit with mum.

"Yeah, met him once. Nice to officially meet you Mr..." He held out his hand to Stephan which Stephan gladly took.

"Stephan Hatcher, it's a pleasure to officially meet you too Mr Brisknberg." He didn't last long before he was also leaving us alone to join the women.

I looked at Nicholas just as his eyes trailed to me too and my breath was back to being uneven. Is it ok for me to admit to something else as well?

I missed him.

I missed Christian Brisknberg so much it hurt to accept it because am supposed to be mad at him.

He took a step closer to me so he was standing just a few centimeters away from my body and bent a little. "We need to talk kitten"

"Ummm...ya..yes" good lord Caleb! Get a grip. "There is something I need to discuss with Mr Brisknberg, we will be upstairs!" I announced a little too loudly to the others and didn't wait for an answer before grabbing Nicholas' hand and dragging him upstairs to my room. And am glad I cleaned it yesterday after being tired of doing nothing.

As soon as I closed the door I turned back to yell at him but he pulled me to him, arm going around my head and crashed his lips on mine before I could alter anything. His kiss longing and...

I missed him.

I missed Nicholas Brisknberg.

And as much as it hurt to admit, I knew I missed him so much that as soon as his lips touched mine, my resolve disappeared and I melted in his arms, my hands finding their way to his collar and passionately kissing him back. 

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